You can get into a lot of trouble with a credit card if you're not careful. When I was eighteen, I ran my very first one. At least it was mine to spend though, unlike this Florida woman.
According to NBC2, Julie Pittman, a 58-year-old from North Fort Myers allegedly splurged like crazy on her company credit card, running up a $32k bill!
Julie joined the Village of Holiday Lake Association team in June 2023. All seemed well at first, right? Well, things took a turn. Before long, she requested a company credit card for office and pool supplies. Seemed reasonable enough, huh?
It turns out Julie didn't exactly play by the rules of sticking to the intended purchases. Julie allegedly went WAY overboard. She was buying all sorts of things, like flight tickets, Amazon orders, groceries, even vet visits. She also allegedly indulged in fancy dinners too. Phew! She was living the sweet life! And it was all charged to the company account.
Credit Card Crime:
But here's where it starts to go down hill for Julie. You see, her job performance wasn't up to par so they let her go in November… That's when the whole credit card fiasco unraveled. The company discovered the card because, surprise! Julie wasn't keeping up with payments.
Guess what? Julie wasn't just using one card either. She had another one too! Crafty, huh? She allegedly even switched the billing address to her sons to throw off any kind of suspicion.
Now the Charlotte County Sheriffs Office isn't too happy with Julie's behavior. They've accused her of offenses from using credit cards to being sneaky with that secret card.
So let this be a warning of the dangers of a credit card, especially if it's not yours. Believe me, it's not worth it!