There’s Allegedly A Time Traveling Shed In Florida
So there’s allegedly a time traveling shed, and of course it’s in Florida – where else would it be?
Alec Schaal, a Fort Lauderdale based real estate investor claims that the shed behind a house he owns is actually a portal used by a time traveler. Alec has posted a series of videos showing a man going into a shed, and then the next day the man leaves the shed looking decades older.
Time Traveling Shed
Did They Find The Florida Time Traveler?
Another Tik Tokker jumped in on this and the evidence supports time travel exists in Florida.
Is it time travel, or is it more likely he stepped into a portal to a different realm or dimension? And the guy’s name is Steve Miller, a great name for a time traveler. (Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future.) Perhaps that’s just some sort of coincidence. Is it?
The Time Traveling Shed Is Getting A Camera.
We need more proof, and that’s what Alec is looking to provide. He’s putting a camera into the shed. The only reason he didn’t do so sooner is that this is an investment property and it’s 5 hours away from Fort Lauderdale. That would place his mysterious Time Traveling Shed somewhere north of Orlando, closer to the Georgia border perhaps. I wanna know! What Florida town is this that has time travel???!!! Here he is with talk on the camera.