
11 Spooky Friday the 13th Superstitions To Be Aware of Today


A more commonly heard susperstiton is that knocking over the salt could lead to bad luck on any day, but ESPECIALLY today.


Today is Friday the 13th and if that gives you the heebie jeebies, then you might suffer from paraskevidekatriaphobia.

What is that you ask? It's a persistent, irrational fear of Friday the 13th. The superstitious say if you can pronounce the term, you will be cured of the phobia so here is exactly how to pronounce it: para-skev-EE-dek-a-tri-a-pho-bia.

Now that we got that out of the way, here are 11 superstitions to be aware of today:

(Note: We couldn't share 13 superstitions with you because well, that number is just bad luck.)

To fit the occasion, enjoy "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder:

Katherine Viloria is Beasley Media Group's Fort Myers Digital Content Manager. She loves to write, snap photos, and watch Grey's Anatomy. Connect with her on Instagram @alittlethisalittlekat