
Giant Asian Spiders Have Been Spotted Just North of Florida


2020 keeps coming.  First it was murder hornets. Now it's giant spiders big enough to kill a hummingbird.

These monsters have been found in Georgia, outside of Atlanta, so hopefully we still have some time before they make it down here to Florida.

It's the Joro Spider. They're normally found in China, Japan, and Korea. They grow to 5 inches long and create a web several feet high and wide, enough to capture a hummingbird. They aren't deadly to humans, but a bite from one isn't exactly pleasant.

An official from the University of Georgia speculated that the spiders may have found their way to the states on board internationally shipped crates that arrived in Atlanta.

One was spotted in Dacula, a suburb of Atlanta.

Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.