Michael Vick is 43 years old today. Vick has been out of the NFL for some time but as I'm writing this, I'm reminded that Tom Brady is about to be 46! Wow, that puts things in perspective. Or does it? Anyway, Michael Vick was one of the most amazing athletes to ever play quarterback. He had lightning speed as a runner. He also possessed a rocket left arm and became a decent passer by the end of his career.
Vick stole our attention during his career at Virginia Tech and exploded onto the scene in the NFL. However, his career was interrupted due to his involvement in an illegal dog-fighting ring and spent time in a federal prison. When he returned to the NFL, the Eagles were the only team to take a chance and sign him. I actually think those were his best days in the league and it makes one pause to think what would have been had he not had his career interrupted.
Today, we will do Michael Vick trivia during Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN Southwest Florida. We play everyday at 4:45ish. Be caller number nine at 239-337-3776 or 239-337-ESPN and play to win. If you can't get through on the phones then play at home or at work and impress your family and friends with the questions and answers below. Good luck!