Happy National Siblings Day ! Perhaps this is a day for you to remember your brothers and sisters in the real world. But today we will look at famous siblings in sports!
If you have a brother or sister (or both) you may have memories of childhood rivalries. Perhaps you always wanted to be better than your sibling in school, games, hobbies, sports or work. Some of those sports rivalries may have crossed into the college and professional sports ranks. So today we will look at famous siblings in sports during our Wiki-Pete-ia trivia segment today.
For those of you who are new to the show, we test Pete's trivia (and trivial) knowledge during Wiki-Pete-ia every weekday at 4:45ish for prizes. Just be lucky caller number 9 at 239-337-ESPN. That's 239-337-3776. If you are not lucky enough to get through, then play at home or at work with your friends with the questions and answers posted below!
There have certainly been a number of siblings compete against each other or coach against each other in sports. Sometimes siblings even get to be team mates. Let's go down memory lane and celebrate National Sibling Day with Famous siblings in sports.