Craig Shemon here, with the Shemon and Sheppard Show, playing Wiki-Pete-ia every weekday at 4:45-ish on ESPN Southwest Florida! Sadly, yesterday we lost Olivia Newton John, a singer-actress who passed away at the age of 73 after a thirty year battle with cancer. She is best know for her role as Sandy in Grease where she co-starred with John Travolta. We will honor her memory with Grease Trivia during Wiki-Pete-ia. Pete Sheppard is back from vacation so no more Chris-ipedia. We will pit him against an audience member. May the best man or woman win Grease trivia.
In case you are not fortunate enough to be lucky caller number nine at 239-337-ESPN, then you are in luck! Play at home and dazzle your family! Stump your co-workers with useless knowledge! Amaze your friends with your newfound intelligence! Below are the actual questions AND ANSWERS heard during Wiki-Pete-ia on our show.
I generally do not like musicals of any kind. I can't get lost in the make-believe story line of a musical because people do not generally break out into song and dance in real life. However, Grease is an exception to my rule. The singing, dancing and story line are so well done that I enjoy watching it every time it appears on TV. Let's play Wiki-Pete-ia! Good luck!