It really happened last night. Snow in Bonita Springs. Now the snow may've been pumped from machines, but it happened. Last night was the city's annual Holiday In The Park celebration and it was better than ever.
There are a lot of holiday events in Southwest Florida and this is always one of my favorites. It's not as posh as the tree lighting on Naples Third Street South. Instead, it has that old fashioned, hometown feel.
The show featured everything from an orchestra made up or retirees to toddlers in tutus, to professional blue grass groups, to choirs and high school jazz bands.
Full disclosure, I have been the emcee of Holiday in the Park for more than ten years. While each event is different, one thing that is consistent is the arrival of Santa Clause on a horse drawn carriage. He is escorted down Old US41 to Riverside Park by a parade of colorful corvettes. Santa didn't dance like he does in the videos here, however, he spent lots of time listening to Christmas wishes. In addition, I heard him reassuring a lot of folks who are teetering between naughty and nice.

Backstage view from the band.
More about the snow in Bonita Springs
When the mayor and city officials flip the switch and light the tree, "snow" is usually pumped from machines throughout the park. Behind the stage snow is also pumped into a giant pile for kids to jump in and throw at each other. There was a snow slide as well.
The park will remain lit through January 1st with Christmas music playing each night. Downtown Bonita is charming.
Many communities have yet to host their annual holiday events yet so there are still opportunities for you to celebrate the season. In the meantime, here are some photos of the snow in Bonita Springs along with other shenanigans from the night.
Making the "snow"

Here comes the ice, or snow

"snow ball" or Ice fights


The Elderly Brothers duo

toddlers and tutus

Trying out Santa's chair before he arrives

This kids face is priceless

Photos with Santa

Sawgrrass Drifters at Holiday in the Park

Riverside Park Bonita Springs

Last act, my view