
VIDEO: Florida Woman Forgot The Alphabet During Roadside Sobriety Test

Florida Woman Forgot The Alphabet During Roadside Sobriety Test

(Photo by Mario Villafuerte/Getty Images)

When you think of the ABC's, well, you probably don't need to think too hard but one Florida woman forgot the alphabet during a roadside sobriety test.

The alphabet. Something we learned at the very latest in kindergarten. But I'm assuming most of us knew it before then. I think they say by the age of three, most kids can recite it. Which makes sense that my friend's daughter in VPK in Fort Myers has it down pat. Whether you got your childhood lessons from Mom and Dad singing you the ABC's song or like me, by watching Sesame Street, it was a pretty easy song to learn. And you'd also think that after 61 years on this earth, it wouldn't be a difficult one to remember. But when asked of Florida Woman, maybe we shouldn't be surprised.

Florida Woman Forgot The Alphabet During Roadside Sobriety Test

Anytime that I've gotten pulled over, it's a nerve-wracking experience. Whether it's completely innocent like a headlight being out that I was unaware of, or if I'm driving too fast. I can imagine everyone's stress levels are different. But in this case, it may have been more than stress that led a Florida woman to forget the ABC's.

According to WFLA, an off-duty Marion County sheriff's deputy saw a woman driving erratically on SE Maricamp Road. After pulling 61 year-old Tammy Angel over, the lieutenant had suspicions that she was impaired, so he called for backup and he, along with a Corporal, conduced a roadside sobriety test. One of the exercises they ran her through was a recitation of the alphabet. But she forgot how it went saying "A…B… was so many years ago." I can only imagine what the officers were thinking. And she didn't stop there, she kept trying. Wonder how entertaining it would've been if they asked her to do it backwards! After more failed attempts, she was arrested for DUI.

I don't like to joke too much when it comes to drunk driving because it could've ended way worse. But this is ridiculous.

Sing it with me "A, B, C, D, E, F, G......"

Choosing the college that's right for you is a big deal. Cost is always a factor, along with location, and of course, academics. But all of that is really secondary if you're looking for the best party school. And as a Florida resident, it's certainly cheaper to stay in-state.

Let me be a little too honest here. Very little of what I learned in college was actually useful when it comes to my current job. I think employers just want to see if you can finish something. Like getting that degree. You're also 'learning how to learn'. Which is important.

But what about the times when you're not in class, and you're not studying? College parties. Here's some more honesty. The parties that you go to in college? You'll likely never experience that again after you graduate. So really, you need a blend of academics, and best party school.

Niche is out with it's list of the 2024 Top Party Schools In America. And it's quite comprehensive. I'm not surprised to see a Florida school ranked so highly. What I am surprised by is that only one Florida school is ranked in the Top 20.

The 2nd Best Party School In The Country

Coming in second place in the entire country for party schools in Florida State. Looking for a spot to hit up after class? Try Recess, Potbelly’s, The Strip, Clyde's, The Warehouse or Baja’s. Greek Life is also a source for parties. FSU has 18 fraternities and 17 sororities.

Add in all of that and that Florida State really just feels like an amazing college campus. Asthe second best party school in the U.S., going to see a game at Doak S. Campbell Stadium is just magical. There's just a vibe around the campus that's hard to explain.

Florida State University the 2nd best party school in the country

Florida State University in Tallahassee

The Top 10 Party Schools

Here's a quick rundown of the Top 10, then we'll see where other Florida Schools stack up.

    Only 1 Florida school in the Top 10 seems a little strange to me. I live in Florida, I know how we are. The truly astounding part is that the next highest ranked Florida school doesn't even crack the Top 20.

    21 Florida A&M University

    It's not hard to imagine some of the party culture from FSU may be spilling over. The campuses are only 3 miles away and the students frequently share the same bars. FAMU has some solid party culture.

    28 University of Miami

    The Coral Gables school here in Florida actually ranks 2 spots behind the Miami University in Ohio. So many students go to Coconut Grove on Thursday that the school provides transportation to get them back and forth safely. If there's not a frat party to attend that weekend, they can head off to the beaches at South Beach or Key Biscayne. UM has a lot of party options.

    41 University of Florida

    With frat parties during the week, the weekends are for the clubs and bars. The bars at Midtown are within walking distance and the clubs downtown are only about a mile away. Like most colleges, Sundays are for laundry and catching up on the course work you've been putting off.

    65 University of Tampa

    The University of Tampa is a smaller school, without the big tailgating parties or the national following. What is does have is that it's close to downtown and just a short trip to Ybor. Or just hang back at campus for a frat party or hit up the pool.

    85 University of Central Florida

    During football season, UCF hosts tailgates. Walk around, score free drinks and play games. A lot of the campus parties are invite only so your best bet is to join a lot of the clubs so you can get in.

    199 Florida International University

    FIU all the way down at 199. Still good for 7th best in Florida. FIU is more of a commuter school, but you're still in Miami so it's always easy to find a good time. There is the occasional party on campus.

    7 schools in the Top 200. Not bad. Not many other states can say that.

    Florida Gulf Coast University

    Since this is a Fort Myers based website, I need to see when our very own FGCU ranks. 463 out of 1,512 on the list of top party schools in America. Not bad, considering the size of the school. One thing FGCU certainly does right is pool parties.

    Marija is a morning show host on WXKB/B1039 and midday host on WRXK/96KRock. She loves to write about food, travel, and things to do around the state of Florida.