I heard someone listening to NWA at a stop light in Cape Coral recently. At first, I found it a bit annoying. Since there were no Florida cops to tell him to turn it down. I just let it go, assuming it was probably okay. Turns out it wasn't okay for the Florida man.
Meet Daryl Medlock, a 55-year-old resident of Margate. Our Florida man found himself in a situation following an unusual incident at the Coral Springs Police Department. It all unfolded on March 9th when authorities were alerted to a man requesting their presence in the station's parking lot.. Who was that man? Well, none other than Mr. Medlock himself.
NWA Display:
According to the Coral Springs Talk, When the Florida cops arrived on scene they were met with the blare of the NWA anthem "F ck the Police " coming from Medlocks vehicle. Talk about making a statement! That wasn't all. It turns out that Medlock had surprises in store. Besides blasting his music at volume, his car was unlawfully parked in a spot and equipped with a tinted tag cover concealing his license plate from plain view. Not exactly a law abiding citizen right?
As if tensions weren't already running high Medlocks reaction to the officers was far from cordial. He even took it a step further by approaching one of them while hurling profanities in every direction.
In a moment of self defense one officer even reached for his taser. Luckily another officer quickly stepped in to prevent the situation from escalating even more.
Course Medlocks actions didn't go unnoticed. He was promptly taken into custody. Transported to Broward County Main Jail, where he was charged with threatening an official and other offenses. It seems like his bold protest didn't quite unfold as he had hoped.
So what's the lesson here? Well if you're considering staging a protest in a police station parking lot perhaps it's best to leave out NWA music and aggressive behavior. This way you can avoid a trip, to jail. Spare the Florida Cops any unnecessary trouble.
Police Officer Fired For Getting “Pure Evil” Tattoo On His Hands
Eric Weyda, a former Cincinnati Police Officer, was fired back in April for what was considered to be an inappropriate tattoo. He had "pure" across the knuckles of his right hand, and "evil" on his left. The Police Department policy prohibits tattoos on the face, neck, head and hands. Having "Pure Evil" spelled out across your fists is probably not a good idea anyway. Weyda got the ink back in December and was reassigned to work the impound lot "to limit his public exposure." He was then fired 4 months later.
According to Cincinnati news station WLWT, "Cincinnati police leadership wrote, "Officer Weyda's tattoos are a violation that is ongoing and permanent. Additionally, Officer Weyda's tattoos do not promote the professional and neutral image of the Cincinnati Police Department and are injurious to the public trust." It continues "Weyda showed remorsefulness for obtaining the tattoo and acknowledged a lack of discretion since he obtained the tattoo in December 2021. Furthermore, Officer Weyda stated, like all of his tattoos, his hand tattoo has a personal message to him, and the words 'pure evil' should not be observed as one message. Officer Weyda explained the words "pure" and "evil" are separate from each other and the words themselves have separate meanings."
When confronted with his tats in a hearing, Weyda chose not to get the tattoos removed because it would cost too much.