
No Pants, No Mercy: Florida Woman’s DUI Crash Saga in The Villages

Mugshot of Janice Jackson Tate of the Villages.
Sumter County Sheriff's Office

Meet Janice Jackson Tate, of the Villages. At the ripe age of 68, Janice took her trusty Toyota on an adventure she won't soon forget.

According to Villages News, on August 19th, around 6:30 p.m., and Janice is cruising near the Manatee Recreation Center. Now, most people would consider this a routine drive, but Janice had other plans. She decided to have a close encounter with the curb, and her car ended up looking like it had a tango with a bulldozer.

What's more, our heroine Janice was found inside the recreation center, in a state of undress from the waist down. Yes, she was out and about in the buff! According to the arrest report, she was "staggering and unable to maintain balance." Apparently, Janice didn't get the memo that a public recreation center is no place for a nudist colony.

No Pants in The Villages:

Janice, a Memphis native, had an interesting alibi. She claimed she swerved to avoid an oncoming vehicle, which is a creative way to explain an intimate encounter with a curb. To make matters even more entertaining, she attempted some martial arts moves during a field sobriety test. Clearly, she was a fan Karate Kid movies.

Her blood alcohol content, registered at a whopping .275 and .280, which is like playing a boozy game of limbo with the legal limit.

Janice graced the Sumter County Court this week and pled no contest to her misadventure. Her punishment? A six-month driving hiatus, a year of probation, and 50 hours of community service. That's a sentence that might just keep her out of trouble long enough to grow out of her daredevil phase.

So, hats off to Janice Jackson Tate, the free-spirited Villager. In the end, it's all about finding that balance between living life to the fullest and steering clear of the curbs... and pants, of course.

Florida Woman Tries To Bring ‘Emotional Support Boa Constrictor’ Onto Plane In Tampa

It's very common to see little dogs on planes. I get it, some people have anxiety about flying and if having that little dog on your lap helps - do it. But this is Florida. We do things differently here in the sunshine state. As this Florida Woman in Tampa showed with her Emotional Support Boa Constrictor.

Here's what happened. The Transportation Security Administration says that a woman attempted to bring an “emotional support pet” boa constrictor snake onto a plane back in December. She had hidden the snake in her carry on bag and pushed it through the X-Ray. I really planned on posting the Samuel L Jackson meme here, but, that would be too obvious.

Lisa Farbstein, TSA Spokesperson  tweeted "Snake on a plane? This is a @TSA X-ray of Bartholomew, a boa constrictor who was in a traveler's carry-on bag at @FlyTPA  last month. Woman claimed the snake was her emotional support pet. TSA notified the airline, which ruled that there was not going to be a snake on their plane!"

So with all the holdups, delays, and cancellations at the airports last month. Here's another. Tampa airport security was held up while a woman tried to bring a 4 foot boa constrictor onto the plane. I get it though, if she'd have checked that bag who knows where it would have ended up.

And TSA wasn't done - they got jokes!

How about support parakeets?

The TSA even made a Top 10 video

Meet Budman, dynamic host of Marconi Award winning radio station WXKB's WiLD Bunch Morning Show, on B1039. Budman likes to write about funny news, a good Florida man story, stupid criminals or anything involving a superhero. Budman, a comic book and pop culture enthusiast, even named his daughter Kara Zor-El, after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the mic. Being a dad is his favorite role. Budman, a true family man, balances his love for radio with quality time spent with loved ones and his trusty dogs.