Florida Has The Most Expensive Eggs In The Continental US
If you thought the price of eggs was too damn high, you’re right. We here in Florida are being hit much harder than most. Only the state of Hawaii has a higher average cost per dozen eggs than Florida. And in Hawaii, 90% of all the eggs they eat are coming from the mainland. That’s a lot of shipping. You ready for this number? In Hawaii, eggs are $9.73 per dozen.
In a study by Instacart, on average, we’re paying around double for eggs than we were a year ago. Florida has the second highest egg prices in the country with an average of $6.36 a dozen. And this is where you need to be smart and look around.
Normally, I would not really check the prices of organic foods because they’re considerably more. In the case of eggs – not true. At Publix I saw a dozen large eggs for $6.41. A dozen cage free eggs were $4.41. Pasture raised eggs at Whole Foods are $3.99. Aldi is usually good for staple items like eggs, but the same thing. I think Aldi was around $4.79. Always check to see if the ‘organic’ or ‘cage free’ options may be cheaper. Same with Costco. I get the two dozen cage free eggs.
So the Florida eggs average is $6.36, anything you find lower than that and you’re doing good. As far as our neighboring states, Georgia average is $5.96, Alabama is $6.12. The state with the lowest price on eggs is Iowa at $4.44 a dozen. But Iowa also produces the most eggs. And they just dealt with 8 inches of snow. So…..
So why are organic and free range Florida eggs often the cheaper option?
Simple answer according to Business Insider, “Farms that produce only organic or free-range eggs have been less affected by avian flu, leading to lower prices for those types of eggs than for traditional ones in some parts of the country.” So before you grab the usual carton of eggs, look to the organic section. It may be cheaper.