Trayce Jackson-Davis is one of the best players in college basketball. He's been injured this season, and has only played in 10 of the Hoosiers 13 games. He is averaging 16.8 points per games, 6.8 rebounds per game, and 4.5 blocks per game. Indiana is 10-3 this season. The only losses coming to Arizona, Kansas, and Rutgers. TJD is a Senior from Greenwood Indiana, and could have gone pro after last season. He came back and that arguably catapulted IU into the top-15 of preseason rankings. He is the face of the program. But all of that didn't stop one Indiana fan from sending TJD a nasty letter. This letter was posted to twitter on Wednesday night as an Indiana fans sends TJD nasty letter.
I want to get this out of the way; Tim Weaver is an idiot. He starts the letter by saying it's illegal to not forward the letter onto TJD... uh no it's not. Also, what is the need to underline your points? Reading something like this will test your faith in others. Just go and read the comment section. That should restore it pretty quickly. Does this Indiana fan remember the last 20 years of ineptitude with a spackling of success? This is the best Indiana basketball team in the last decade. They're currently ranked 15th in the AP poll. I'm sure 99% of IU fans don't feel this way, but it's still a bad look. Every other fan base should look at this letter and tell themselves: "I will not be the Tim Weaver of my fan base." Don't be like Tim, everyone.

Fishing Florida Man Catches 13 Foot Sawfish That Looks Like An Abandoned Project From God
The sawfish is listed as a critically endangered species, so seeing one is quite rare. Catching one while fishing off the beaches of Florida, rarer still. They are really only found in Northern Australia and Florida. The sawfish can grow up to 25 feet in length (Oh My God!) and estimates place their numbers remaining in the 500 range left in the world. So when these guys fishing off the coast of Florida caught one, they knew it needed to be safely returned. 'Safely" being the key word here.
According to Wikipedia "Sawfish are actually docile and harmless to humans, except when captured, where they can inflict serious injuries when defending themselves by thrashing the saw from side-to-side." And you don't wanna be on the bad side of that saw. They can cut a fish in half with one quick flip. I image they could do the same with a persons leg.
This thing looked like a chainsaw in the water until you saw it's eyes. And then at the end of the video to find out that this was this guy's first fish he ever caught? Insane. But you've peaked my dude, it's never gonna get better than this.
He was fishing with a guide from Apex Anglers, who specialize in catch-and-release shark fishing.