For Valentines Day and also TikTok Tuesday here are some romantic movie lines for your Valentine. There are some movies that are iconic for their love stories. Both tragic and triumphant. You can probably recite several lines from a few of them right now.
Some of the lines and scenes are like gut punches. Others can't help but bring tears to your eyes because they are so beautiful. Since it is Valentines Day, it would only seem appropriate to relive a few of these moments.

Romantic Movie
There certainly are a lot romantic movies and scenes that stand out in cinematic history. Love is big at the box office. I mean who can forget the scene in "Ghost" with Demi Moore. Patrick Swayze and the pottery wheel. Visuals aside, it is the spoken word that puts the icing on the top of the cake for romance.
And speaking of cake, if you are looking for something creative to do with and for your valentine, you can heat things up in the kitchen. Last week's TikTok Tuesday post was all about recipes that involve chocolate. In case you missed it, just click here and thank me later. Chocolate is a must for Valentine's Day.
My social media feeds have been full of memes, videos, photos, and all things surrounding love for the past couple of weeks in advance of Valentine's Day. I gathered a few from my TikTok feed last night and assembled them here. You don't have to have an account to view these videos. In addition, no logging in to social media means no getting into trouble at work. Simply scroll down and hit play.
Here are the top five romantic movie lines for your valentine. Maybe they will inspire you today. In the meantime, what are some of your favorite lines?