What’s so crazy about this incident is that decades later, no one really knows if it actually happened. During a 1969 gig in Miami, Morrison allegedly exposed himself on stage and was later charged with indecent exposure and “the use of obscene language.” There’s still no photographic proof that the Lizard King shows his…lizard, which is likely why decades later, the Florida Clemency Board issued a pardon.
Central Press/Getty ImagesToday we will test everyone's knowledge with the most random trivia ever for Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN SW Florida. I'll have an explanation in a moment.
In case you are not fortunate enough to be lucky caller number nine at 239-337-ESPN, then you are in luck! Play at home and dazzle your family! Stump your co-workers with useless knowledge! Amaze your friends with your newfound intelligence! Below are the actual questions AND ANSWERS heard during Wiki-Pete-ia on our show.
Here's a peak behind the curtain on the Shemon and Sheppard Show. Usually I begin each day and look up the current date for historical facts on this day in history. These historical facts can be sports related or not. They can be historical birthdays or anniversaries. If I find something interesting, and I mean interesting to me, I will come up with a corresponding topic and create several questions for Wiki-Pete-ia. Now, every once in a while, there are days and dates where nothing really amuses me. My rule of thumb for the radio show is if I'm interested in something then my audience may be interested in the same thing. Today is one of those days where, historically, nothing super interesting happened. So we will do really random trivia today. It's time for Wiki-Pete-ia! Good luck to you!