April of 1912 was a big month for the history books. The Titanic sank. And, on a more pleasant note, MLB opened Fenway Park and Tiger Stadium. So today we will to Detroit Tigers history on the Shemon and Sheppard Show for Wiki-Pete-ia on ESPN Southwest Florida.
For those of you who are new to the show, we test Pete’s trivia (and trivial) knowledge during Wiki-Pete-ia every weekday at 4:45ish for prizes. Just be lucky caller number 9 at 239-337-ESPN. That’s 239-337-3776. If you are not lucky enough to get through, then play at home or at work with your friends with the questions and answers posted below!
Since I was born in Detroit, Tiger Stadium was my all-time favorite ballpark. It had a short porch in right field where the upper deck hung over the field. One of my greatest sports memories was watching the amazing 1984 Tigers win the World Series. I’m sad Tiger Stadium no longer exists and I have yet to get to Comerica Ballpark.
So let’s celebrate one of the oldest franchises in baseball with Detroit Tigers trivia during Wiki-Pete-ia today on the Shemon and Sheppard Show.
Good luck to you. I’ll be rooting for you to win!
-Craig Shemon
ESPN Southwest Florida