
Lee County Ordinance To Ban Panhandlers From Medians

Lee County

Lee County commissioners unanimously passed an ordinance today that would ban panhandlers and pedestrians from standing in medians, according to NBC2.

The ordinance aims to increase safety on roadways and is not intended to be targeted towards just panhandlers, officials said. Instead, it applies to all pedestrians standing in a median and interacting with those in vehicles.

Violators will face a misdemeanor charge that carries a fine of $500 or less and/or 60 days in jail.

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office plans to educate and raise awareness of the ordinance before actual enforcement.

To read the full ordinance and its amendment click here.

The ordinance will be filed with the Florida secretary of state in the next few days and will become law.

Katherine Viloria is Beasley Media Group's Fort Myers Digital Content Manager. She loves to write, snap photos, and watch Grey's Anatomy. Connect with her on Instagram @alittlethisalittlekat