
Six Florida Colleges Make The List Of U.S. Top 50 College Party Schools

College party

I’m doing this post of college party schools as a service to our  2023  high school graduating classes. It’s no secret that ya’ll got a raw deal with covid wrecking a good chunk of your high school partying years. You can never redo those missed parties, but how about some make-good?

College is more about a higher education and getting a job when you’re done. It’s about an experience. So how do you know which college to choose to get the best ‘experience’. Well, fortunately the good folks at Barstool Sports have done the exhaustive research and compiled the list of the Top 50 Party Schools. I’m gonna do you one better and include a picture with each selection. Most at least.  When it comes to choosing the right college, visuals are important.

It's interesting to note that there's 50 states in the US, but 6 of the top 50 party schools are here in Florida. I couldn't be prouder that our very own FGCU made the list. but with 6 here in Florida, that means some states are getting left out. Maybe it's time they up their game? I'm rambling.... So without any further blathering on I present to you: The Top 50 College Party Schools

50. Kentucky

49. Penn

48. Florida Atlantic University

47. FGCU

46. Jacksonville

45. UCLA

44. LSU

43. Florida

42. Oklahoma

41. Texas

40. THE Ohio State University

39. Michigan

38. Santa Barbara

37. James Madison

36. UNC

35. Missouri

34. Kansas

33. Howard University

32. UAB

31. Bucknell

30. Cincinnati

29. Tennessee

28. Colorado

27. Michigan State

26. San Diego State

25. Delaware

24. Miami

23. Wisconsin

22. Maine

21. Southern Cal

20. Ole Miss

19. Syracuse

18. Dayton

17. Ohio University

16. East Carolina

15. Illinolis

14. South Carolina

13. Chico State

12. Indiana

11. Miami Of Ohio (The Original Miami, Actually)

10. Arizona

9. U Mass

8. Iowa

7. Florida State

6. Penn State

5. Georgia

4. Tulane

3. Arizona State

2. West Virginia University

1. Alabama

Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.