
RIP Tablets

RIP tablets Ken Dorsey
(Photo by Eric Espada/Getty Images)

RIP tablets. The NFL and Microsoft have a long standing partnership that puts the "Microsoft Surface" in the hand of players and coaches across the league. I think this has been a great marketing tactic for Microsoft. Except when it isn't. We've seen frustrated coaches and players take their frustration out on the tablets. The latest unleashing on Microsoft's product was at the hands of Buffalo Bills OC Ken Dorsey. In the final seconds of Buffalo's 21-19 loss to the Miami Dolphins, WR Isaiah McKenzie was tackled in bounds. The clock never stopped and the clock ran out before buffalo could get a game winning kick off. Side note; shoutout to the coach who covered the camera while Dorsey was throwing a nutty. That is real friendship right there. NFL vs Microsoft tablets.

But this is not the first time Microsoft has had their product demolished on camera. Just last weekend Tom Brady did his best Gronk impression and spiked the tablet on the sideline. We've seen Bill Belichick throw the tablet in disgust, and follow it up by ripping the product's "dependability". What's unfortunate for Microsoft is if the product works 99% of the time, we're going to see the 1% when players and coaches are upset with either their game or the product itself. There is now enough video and history between the league and Microsoft that we can put together the best tablet blowups over the past decade. Most of the players are upset with their performance, not the products. However that didn't stop the Surface from catching the brunt end of the frustrations of players and coaches. RIP tablets. NFL vs Microsoft tablets.

Ken Dorsey

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Chris has been on ESPN Soutwest Florida in one way or another dating back to 2010. As a Southwest Florida native, Chris understands what's important to the locals. He is a huge football fan; both professional and college. Although he has a special place for the Miami Dolphins and the entire SEC. He is also very into golf, both playing it locally and covering it on a global scale. Sports are supposed to be fun, and Chris likes to reflect that in the way he covers it. Chris writes about sports news and opinions.