Do you remember Super Bowl XLV when the Steelers beat the Packers? It happened on this day in 2011. So, today we will look back with Super Bowl XLV trivia on Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN Southwest Florida.
Now, I've been to many Super Bowls in my day but I missed this one. I was working in Houston at the time and I was scheduled to take a short flight to Dallas for the game and a few of the surrounding festivities. However, a massive cold front and ice storm hit the Dallas area that week. So much for a warm, southern Super Bowl. Anyway, I was actually on my way to the airport when the airline informed me my flight into Dallas was cancelled. I turned around and later watched the game on TV at home. Oh well.
Nevertheless, Super Bowl XLV was between two of the most stories franchises in league history. And the game was a good one as well. So we remember Super Bowl XLV on Wiki-Pete-ia with Shemon and Sheppard. We play Wiki-Pete-ia every weekday at 4:45ish. Be caller number 9 at 239-337 ESPN. That's 239-337-3776!
So, good luck to you!