Monday Night Football features the Ravens at Saints. These two teams have unique histories in the NFL so we will remember them with Ravens and Saints Trivia on Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN Southwest Florida.
And GOOD NEWS! Our phones are back for the first time since Hurricane Ian!
In case you are not fortunate enough to be lucky caller number nine at 239-337-ESPN, then you are in luck! Play at home and dazzle your family! Stump your co-workers with useless knowledge! Amaze your friends with your newfound intelligence! Below are the actual questions AND ANSWERS heard during Wiki-Pete-ia on our show.
Baltimore has a crazy storyline. First there was the Baltimore Colts and they moved to Indianapolis. Then the Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore and Became the Ravens. Oh, and they had to leave the Browns likeness, image and records in Cleveland. And the NFL expanded and resurrected the Browns. Got it?
As for the Saints, they have had a long sad history in New Orleans. That is, until Drew Brees and Sean Payton showed up and made them good.
Tonight it's the Ravens at Saints for Monday night football so let's quiz you on their respective histories on Wiki-Pete-ia.
Good Luck!