Although Southwest Florida is not currently in the cone for Hurricane Ian, we're still going to feel the effects. As of 10am Monday morning we're under a Tropical Storm Watch. It looks like Hurricane Ian will be passing by Southwest Florida during the day on Wednesday as a major hurricane. Maybe even a Category 4. We're on what some call the "dirty side" of the hurricane. SWFL is going to see a lot of wind and rain. Here's the radar from this morning:
So even if the current forecast models hold true and Southwest Florida avoids a direct hit, there's still some steps you can take to be prepared. Remember, those outer bands can spin off tornadoes which can break off tree branches. Those tree branches fall on a power line and - now you're sitting in the dark. And FPL is going to be super busy restoring power. How long will you be without power? We have a guide with a lot of useful information. And it doesn't mean you need to rush to Publix and empty the shelves. Tampa Meteorologist Dennis Phillips has come up with a lot more ideas. Here's a few of the best 'hurricane hacks' I found. And some personal experience.
Fill your trash cans with water
Throw some bleach in that bin to disinfect and then rinse it out. Fill you trash can with water so you can use it for flushing the toilet in case your water stops. One thing to watch out for is that our area has pumping stations to deal with sewage. In a prolonged outage, with no working pumping stations, what you flush down the toilet could come up through the shower drain. If this is the case where you live, only flush when necessary. This also applies if you use a septic system with a pump. Here's what Collier County has to say on the topic:
The Florida Department of Health in Collier County (DOH-Collier) is urging the public to be mindful of potential issues with sewage. Following a storm, you may experience problems with the operation of your sewage system. If you have a septic system that runs by a dosing pump, it will not work without electricity. You should stop using water in your home as much as possible until the electricity comes back on. Without the pump working, the septic tank will fill and may cause backup of sewage in your home
Fill your freezer with water bottles
You know all that water you bought at Costco? Put them in the freezer. In the event of a power failure this will help keep food cold. Plus, you can drink the cold water after they thaw.
Do the laundry
Wash the sheets and any dirty clothes. You never know how long you could be without power.
Toss out any old food and clean the litter box. Think of what things may start to smell if the ac goes out and deal with them now.
Outdoor Decor
Bring in anything that could go airborne. At minimum your pool furniture cushions. Is your grill on wheels? It can roll into the pool with the right sustained wind. Just the thought of having to lift a grill out of your pool should be enough to make this important.
Be prepared to evacuate
Just know where all your important stuff is. Your id, passports, cash. Yes, make sure you have some cash.
How are the pets
Do dog and cat have enough food?
Fill those prescriptions
If you're taking medicine that you need, you need to make sure you have enough of it in case something bad happens. It's a hurricane, you just don't know.
Propane and propane relate accessories
Is your tank full? No lie, we made coffee on the grill after Irma.
Candles, flashlights, lighters, matches, batteries
Round them up and put them where you know they are.
Everything clean? Go take a shower
Remember, if the power goes out, it's likely that you're going to lose hot water.
Run the dishwasher
If the power is out, you don't want dirty dishes smelling the place up.
Unplug the expensive stuff
Flickering power surges can fry your electronics. If the power starts to dim, or flicker on and off - turn off the tv, stop the washer and dryer, and turn off the ac. My air conditioner was already getting a little old, but the power going on and off, dimming, and coming back killed it. That's right, even after the power came back on after Irma I still had no ac for another week +.
Speaking of ac
Push that thermostat down before the storm gets there. If you do lose power, you'll enjoy the cool at least a little longer.
Paper plates, plastic forks
No dirty dishes.
The insurance walk through
Take pictures of your house. Especially the roof. If you do sustain damage you'll need to prove that it was caused by this hurricane. The days of 'everyone gets a new roof' are over. Insurance companies are going to challenge every major claim.
More info here - our guide
2022 Hurricane Central – Preparedness Guide

Hurricane Central - Preparedness Guide gives you the updated information you may need in the event of a hurricane. Just because 2021 was a quiet year for storms doesn't mean we can ever let our guard down. This guide is sponsored by local businesses here in SWFL. Gavin's Ace Hardware, Sean King Law, and Powerhouse Home Services.

Preparing Your Home
Shelters - Lee County
Emergency Operations Center 239-533-0622
Bonita Springs YMCA – Bonita Springs
Island Coast High School – Cape Coral
Estero Recreation Center – Estero
Germain Arena – Estero
South Fort Myers High School (Pet Friendly) – Fort Myers
E. Lee County High School (Pet Friendly) – Lehigh Acres
Harns Marsh Elementary School – Lehigh Acres
Harns Marsh Middle School – Lehigh Acres
Mirror Lakes Elementary School – Lehigh Acres
Varsity Lakes Middle School – Lehigh Acres
Veterans Park Recreation Center – Lehigh Acres
Shelters - Collier County
Emergency Operations Center: 239-252-3600
Highlands Elementary School – Immokalee
Immokalee Friendship House – Immokalee
Immokalee High School – Immokalee
Immokalee Middle School – Immokalee
Pinecrest Elementary School – Immokalee
Village Oaks Elementary – Immokalee
Barron Collier High School – Naples
Big Cypress Elementary – Naples
Corkscrew Elem/Middle School – Naples
Cypress Palm Middle School – Naples
Golden Gate Intermediate School – Naples
Golden Gate Middle School – Naples
Golden Gate High School – Naples
Golden Terrace Intermediate School – Naples
Gulf Coast Intermediate School – Naples
Gulf Coast High School – Naples
Laurel Oak Elementary School – Naples
Lely High School – Naples
Mike Davis Elementary School
Naples High School
North collier Regional Park (Pet Friendly) – Pre-registration is required
North Naples Middle School
Oakridge Middle School
Palmetto Ridge High School – Special Needs
Pelican Marsh Elementary
Sable Palm Elementary School
St. Matthews House
Veterans Community Park
Vineyards Elementary School
Shelters - Charlotte County
Emergency Operations Center: 941-833-4000
*All Charlotte County shelters are now Pet Friendly
Lemon Bay High School – Englewood
Myakka River Elementary School – Englewood
Kingsway Elementary School – Port Charlotte
Liberty Elementary School – Port Charlotte
Meadow Park Elementary School – Port Charlotte
Murdock Middle School – Port Charlotte
Port Charlotte High School – Port Charlotte
Port Charlotte Middle School – Port Charlotte
Sallie Jones Elementary School -Punta Gorda
South County Regional Park -Punta Gorda
L.A. Ainger MIddle School – Rotonda
Vineland Elementary School – Rotonda
Shelters - Hendry County
Emergency Operations Center: 863-674-5400
Central Elementary School – Clewiston
Clewiston High School – Clewiston
Clewiston Middle School (Primary Shelter) – Clewiston
Eastside Elementary School – Clewiston
Westside Elementary School – Clewiston
Country Oaks Elementary School – LaBelle
LaBelle Elementary School – LaBelle
LaBelle High School – LaBelle
LaBelle Middle School (Primary Shelter) – LaBelle
Shelters - Glades County
Emergency Operations Center: 863-946-6020
Buckhead Ridge VFW – Buckhead Ridge
Maple Grove Baptist Church – Lakeport
Glades County Health Department (Special Needs) – Moore Haven
Moore Haven High School – Moore Haven
Muse Community Assn. – Muse
West Glades Elementary (Special Needs) – Muse
Shelters - Desoto County
Emergency Operations Center – 863-993-4831
Desoto Middle School -Arcadia
South Florida State College (Special Needs) -Arcadia
Terminology - Hurricane Watch

Hurricane watch = conditions possible within the next 48 hrs.
Steps to take:
Terminology - Hurricane Warning

Hurricane warning = conditions are expected within 36 hrs.
Steps to take:
Follow the hurricane timeline preparedness checklist, depending on when the storm is anticipated to hit and the impact that is projected for your location.

After The Hurricane