A surprising SWFL city is named Top Ten Party City. Surprising to many because of its more sleepy reputation. Also surprising at the some of the cities it beats out. We often have a perception that the biggest cities in the United States are the BEST cities to party. But when you look at some college towns, that theory gets blown out of the water. Then again, many Americans aren't looking for the frat party vibe when they plan a celebratory getaway.
About the top ten party city list
The study was conducted by BonusFinder.com, an online gambling comparison site. The top ten list has a few surprises on it for sure. In addition, numerous cities that are known for an abundance of gambling make this list.
The number of casinos and gambling options was indeed one of the criteria when coming up with the rankings. Other things considered were what you might expect, such as the number of bars for the size of the population as well as how expensive those drinks are. In addition were the number of nightclubs, music events and hotels. And finally, the availability of affordable hotels. Why do you want to spend a fortune on a room when you are in town to be out on the town?
Florida is considered a destination for rest, relaxation and of course parties. So it's no surprise that four cities in the Sunshine State appear in the to ten. However there is a surprising SWFL city named Top Ten Party City...Sarasota.
According to this research, Sarasota has much more to offer than it's cultured art scene. It also has cheap beer and a lot of strip clubs. It actually ranked higher than Key West! Here is how the rest of the list shapes up.
#10 Reno, Nevada
Casinos...lots of them
#9 Key West, Florida
Anything goes at this tropical Florida island.
#8 Jersey City, New Jersey
The Jersey Shore has a little bit of everything for the party crowd.
#7 Baton Rouge, Louisiana
It's another place with cheap beer and casinos.
#6 Las Vegas, Nevada
This needs no explanation with the number of casinos, clubs and music events.
#5 Miami, Florida (the city not the beach)
Across the Intercoastal you still have waterfront along with a ton of music venues, bars and more.
#4 Sarasota, Florida
Who knew there was 1 strip club per every 1216 residents? This study says so.
#3 Hoboken, New Jersey
Across the river from Manhattan, the drinks are little less expensive but the scene is still hot.
#2 Atlantic City, New Jersey
It is often called the East Coast Vegas or the Mini-Vegas. This city stays up all night too.
#1 Miami Beach, Florida
The weather is great and the clubs and bas stay open all night, literally.