I don't think any of us like interruptions when it comes to traffic, but one Florida man with a machete threatened workers for blocking the road.
I don't know what it is lately with machetes, but I feel like they've been making an all too common appearance in stories about the Florida Man. Maybe it's because I don't know anyone who keeps one at the ready that I'm just blown away by how many people do. T
here was one story about a man whose music was too loud and a woman went out with a machete and threw it at him. Another about a drunk maintenance worker in Naples who didn't like people on the pickleball court and threatened them with a machete. And not too long ago a machete mama in North Fort Myers who chopped a man's hand off. If there's something I've learned by reading all these stories, it's not to mess with anyone with a machete.
Florida Man With A Machete Threatened Workers For Blocking The Road
The latest machete incident happened in Palm Coast when 43-year-old Miguel Rodriguez got mad at stormwater maintenance workers who blocked the road with one of their vehicles. While police said there were many signs in the area indicating there was work being done, Rodriguez didn't seem to care. Workers told WFLA that Rodriguez drove around where they were working, and got out of his truck, walking towards them with a machete yelling "I’m going to chop some b****** up." Eventually, he got back into his truck and drove off.
When police finally caught up with him, he did admit that he was upset because there weren't any signs posted, but didn't exactly fess up to anything involving a machete. However, he did admit to having several machetes in his truck.
Rodriguez was arrested and is facing a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill.