With Hurricane Milton headed our way in Southwest Florida, you can take comfort in the fact that electrical crews are on standby.
With Hurricane Helene just a few weeks ago, I was seeing so many local utility crews being sent out of town to assist with power restoration. So my thought when we heard about Hurricane Milton, was, if crews are out of town working, who will be here for us if we lose power? I spoke to Mikki Puidak, an engineer with a local power company, and he assured me that they'll be ready when we need them.
Electrical Crews Are On Standby In Southwest Florida For Hurricane Milton
It was 48 hours before Hurricane Helene hit when I spoke to Mikki the first time and he said they were on standby at that time ready to mobilize when needed. And because the damage from the storm was so widespread, they had crews all over Florida as well as out of state. They had one team of 10 head up to South Carolina. His team of 8 first went to Valdosta, GA and then to Tifton where they remained working until last night.
He arrived back home at 6:45pm and was told to enjoy 2 nights in his own bed before being sent out again. He said "We already have teams and teams of assessors, vegetation crews and the most hardworking linemen all ready to get the lights back on after this moves through."
While at this time we don't know exactly where the storm will hit, somewhere between Tampa and Southwest Florida, it does give me a peace of mind knowing that if we lose power, they have a plan in a place and are ready to go. It's a tough job, but the fact that they're working hard for us is very reassuring.
Stay safe Southwest Florida!

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)