
All Female Fantasy Football League Entering Their 10th Season In Fort Myers

All female fantasy football league draft party
Diana Beasley

It’s that time of year again! Yes, that’s right, it’s football season. And along with football season comes the ever popular fantasy football and draft nights.

All Female Fantasy Football League

Now, you may think the majority of people out there playing fantasy football are men and while that may be true, there are plenty of women that are participating in the game as well. In fact, I am entering into my 10th season of an all female fantasy football league right here in Fort Myers. That’s right 10 seasons of just women playing what’s considered to be a man’s game. You gotta love it.

We started out with 10 teams and we’re now at 12. We’ve got four or five ladies that are originals to our all female fantasy football league. We went a few years without any replacements. This year a spot did open and I’m not joking when I say we had it filled within five minutes.

Female fantasy football league together for draft partyDiana Beasley

Why Did We Start An All Female Fantasy Football League?

Back 10 years ago, most of us were fans, but not like we are now. Sure, we may not know the average yards per carry or who scored the winning touchdown in a game back in the 1980s, but we know enough about the players and the game of football to manage on our own. Heck, one of the members of our league is now a co-host for a Miami Dolphins podcast called Sideline Tea.

I’m actually one of the co-commissioners, along with with my best friend of nearly 30 years, Stephanie. It was her idea to get this going, so many years ago. I find it rewarding to go through the process without the help of a man. Haha!

I’m not gonna lie. I think there are plenty of ladies in our league who have asked for the help of their husbands or boyfriends or brothers or friends, but for the most part, we’ve got this figured out, and our ladies are managing lineups and benches and trades and add/drop all on their own.

When we got started, most of us were married, or had a significant other that was spending Sundays in front of RedZone following along with their own players and fantasy teams. This all female fantasy league gave us the opportunity to do that too, on our own terms.

Female Fantasy Football Drafts

Our fantasy drafts are probably not like most. We have wine and charcuterie boards and pool parties and do girly things. But it's such a fun way to get together and bond with just the girls. We need those nights sometimes with all that's going on in our day-to-day. If you're a female out there and enjoy the game, I would encourage you to get your own league going. What've you got to lose? Well, other than your buy in. 😉

Female fantasy football group have pool time at draftDiana Beasley

Female Fantasy Football Names

When it comes to naming your team, you've got to be clever. I'll share the names of the teams, some old and some new, we've had in our league. But I will warn you some of them may not be suitable for work.

  • Cleats & Cleavage
  • My TD's Are Real
  • Victorious Secret
  • Mother Buccers
  • Game Blouses
  • Sunday's Best
  • Sacks & The City
  • Cool Brees
  • Sack Lover
  • Yo Adrian!
  • No Scrubs
  • Go For Tua
  • Percy Whipped

We know we aren't the only females out there doing this, but if you're on the fence, this might be your year. Our female fantasy football league is through ESPN, but there are plenty of others out there that make it really easy to start a league.

7 is often viewed as a lucky number, so when I saw that there were 7 Florida Lottery Scratch Offs with all their top prizes still unclaimed, I saw it as a sign. It's time to take a look at some Florida Lottery tickets that could score big. One note - this data is as of 7/24/24, so these tickets that I'll mention have all their winners out there as of today. It's always possible that someone is holding a winner that hasn't cashed it in yet.

Losing Money On Florida Lottery Scratch Offs

There is one ticket on this list I'm very familiar with, because I tried and failed. It's the $50 500X The Cash ticket with a grand prize of $25 million. It has a secondary prize of $1 million that has been hitting. In July this ticket has had million dollar winners in Ocala, Hollywood, and Fort Myers. 2 of those winners were bought at Publix. So I dropped a hundred down on two tickets at the Publix in Estero and got - absolutely nothing. Losing a hundred bucks on lottery tickets stings a bit. But, you can't have big winners if you don't have losers. And that was me.

one million a year for life. Not one of the 7 Florida Lottery Scratch Offs featured in this articleFlorida Lottery

$1 Million A Year For Life

An update on this particular game. There's 2 big winning tickets for the 'Million a Year For Life' and one of them has been claimed. MARQUIS ALLEN ANDERSON of Fort Lauderdale, Florida won the big prize. A million dollars a year for the rest of your life. Marquis took the cash option and got the lump sum of 16 million. That's a tough decision.

The 7 Florida Lottery Scratch Offs With All Top Prizes Remaining

So let's get to why we're here. As of today there are 7 Florida Lottery Scratch Off tickets with all of their top prizes still on the board. As I learned, using this method doesn't guarantee you a winner, it just means that no one has hit big, yet. Good luck. All information is courtesy of the Florida Lottery website.


20 monopoly secret vaultFlorida Lottery

The Florida Lottery issued several new Monopoly games on July 1st. This is the $20 one. 4 people can claim a $5 million dollar grand prize, and no one has yet. 


10 monopoly secret vaultFlorida Lottery

EDIT: As I was writing this article, this ticket updated and showed that one of the four $2 million dollar winning tickets had been claimed. The winning ticket was sold at the Speedway on Palm Beach Blvd in Fort Myers. So - 3 of the 4 big winners are still out there. 


5 monopoly secret vaultFlorida Lottery

For 6 lucky scratchers, $5 can get you a million. Like the other Monopoly cards, this one just came out so there's not a lot of data on them. The Monopoly cards are always popular, so I'd definitely expect to see these at the counter. 


2 monopoly vaultFlorida Lottery

I love the $2 tickets because they're great for gift giving. Shove 5 of these in a birthday card and you are good. Want to really feel good? Hand some out at a nursing home. 8 grand prize winners will win $100,000. 


1 monopoly secret vaultFlorida Lottery

A big thank you to the Florida Lottery for still making $1 tickets. I wouldn't blame them if they didn't, with inflation, their profit margin on these cannot be great. The same things I said about the $2 tickets holds true with the $1 ones. Great for gifts. EDIT: Ok, so 2 of the 20 $10,000 grand prize tickets have been claimed. One in Boynton Beach at a Publix, and one in Haines City at a 7-11. So, 18 of the 20 top prizes remain. 


Gold Rush LegacyFlorida Lottery

Ok, let's get away from the Monopoly games and on to this one. It's a bit of an outlier in that the game came out in April and none of the four $10 million dollar grand prizes have been claimed, yet. The secondary prize of $1 million still has 17 of the 20 winning tickets out there. It's a $20 ticket that seems to not be hitting. Is it due? Who knows. I'm just putting out the data, but I do plan on looking for this one when I go to Publix tonight. Wish me luck. 


500X The CashFlorida Lottery

There's my nemesis. I dropped a hundred dollars picking up 2 of these and won nothing. The game has two $25 million dollar winning tickets out there and 121 of 160 of the $1 million dollar winning tickets yet to be claimed. The Florida Lottery released this game back in January, so it's not new. It's just that no one has hit it big yet.

Wil You Win With These Tickets?

I hope you do, but as I mentioned - I didn't. I started doing these lists because I didn't want to ever buy a ticket that had all the winning tickets gone. It's not like they tell you at the store. If a game says "You could win 5 million", I want to know that I can. Not find out later that all the big winners were gone. These 7 tickets I listed give you a chance. And that's all you can ask for.

Good luck, and as the Florida Lottery says **play responsibly**