
Naked Florida Man Arrested After Attempting to Break into Kissimmee Homes

Mug Shot of Nude suspect. The Naked Florida Man.
Osceola County Jail

A bizarre naked Florida man decided to embrace his inner Nudist while attempting to break into homes. Yes, the gentleman, if we can even call him that, was caught red-handed and buck naked. He was trying to sneak into houses in a Kissimmee neighborhood in the dead of night. But he wasn't going to be just any regular intruder, oh no. He was completely in his birthday suit, as naked as the day he was born and seemingly unashamed.

According to WFTV, a bewildered homeowner, woke up to suspicious sounds, checks her "Ring" camera only to find a stark-naked man fiddling with her back patio door. Instead of a fancy heist outfit, this guy chose a more... liberating ensemble. Apparently, he wasn't content with just attempting to break-in, so he decided to put on a show. The security camera caught him in all his glory, engaging in a series of eye watering, gestures. I'm talking about obscene moves that would make even the boldest of adult movie performers blush.

Naked Florida Man:

As if the first act of this wild performance wasn't enough, this weirdo criminal wasn't satisfied with merely one location. The local authorities got another call about a naked ninja wreaking havoc near by. Turns out, our star wasn't camera shy. With confidence he paraded around another backyard without covering up. Clearly he was determined to make his mark on the neighborhood.

The suspect, Giovanni Alcaraz, was eventually captured by the long arm of the law. Deputies swooped in as he sprinted through the neighborhood, as naked as a jaybird. Alcaraz now faces charges, including "exposure of sexual organs" (well, no kidding) and "resisting arrest" because why stop at just one misdemeanor?

I guess that when life gets tough, some folks just prefer to get... tougher? Or maybe just stark naked.

This Florida City Is Number One In America For Naked Gardening

This Florida City Is Number One In America For Naked Gardening

As the weather gets warmer, some gardeners are shedding their clothes along with their inhibitions. Have you heard about the latest craze? Gardening in the nude. And Miami tops the list of the best cities for nude gardening in America. This may be your first time hearing about this, but I bet you'll start looking a little more closely. Participants could be your very own neighbors. It's a trend that's sweeping the nation.

World Naked Gardening Day is THIS Saturday, May 6th. You may be this really a thing? According to its official website, the day is all about promoting "body-positive values and respect for oneself, for others and for the planet." In other words, it's a chance to strip away the social norms and cultural expectations that dictate how we should look and behave, and just be ourselves in all our natural glory. And what better way to do that than by getting a little dirt on your bits and pieces?

If you've ever wondered where the best naked gardening cities in the country are, LawnStarter got down and dirty and has the list. To compile the data they looked at metrics like nudist population size, indecent exposure laws, weather and access to waxing salons just to name a few.

This Saturday, Florida, it's your chance give naked gardening a try. Just be sure to wear sunscreen and watch out for those thorny bushes.

Top 5 Cities in the U.S. for Naked Gardening:

5. Los Angeles, CA

LA has a score of 66.59 with the weather and nude gardener-friendliness ranking high.


4. Philadelphia, PA

Philly scores a 70.09. In January, it might not be ideal for gardening, but the weather forecast in May was high ranking for naked gardening.

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(Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

3. Atlanta, GA

Atlanta gets a score of 71.91 with safety and a great weather forecast contributing to their 3rd place ranking.

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(Photo by Barry Williams/Getty Images)

2. Austin, TX

Austin has a score of 75.72 with the weather ranking the other cities, I imagine it has to be mild, if not warm, to garden comfortably in the buff.

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(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)

1. Miami, FL

Miami takes the top spot with a score of 78.94. Year-round warmth and safety put this Florida city on top. Just don't forget the sunscreen!

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(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Meet Budman, dynamic host of Marconi Award winning radio station WXKB's WiLD Bunch Morning Show, on B1039. Budman likes to write about funny news, a good Florida man story, stupid criminals or anything involving a superhero. Budman, a comic book and pop culture enthusiast, even named his daughter Kara Zor-El, after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the mic. Being a dad is his favorite role. Budman, a true family man, balances his love for radio with quality time spent with loved ones and his trusty dogs.