Fort Myers And Naples NOT Listed In ‘Top 10 Best Cities in Florida for a Family Vacation’

Still suffering from the devastation of Hurricane Ian, Fort Myers and Naples were left off this list. With more than 400 cities to choose from, the experts at have done some digging to reveal the best cities in Florida for a family vacation. Rankings are based on factors including: average price of one week stay, average hotel rating, number of restaurants, boats and water sports attractions, water and amusement parks, zoos and aquariums, fun and games attractions and outdoor activities. So who made it?

Orlando clearly comes out on top. I mean, you pretty much have to take your kids there at some point. Probably more than once. Interesting to see Tampa and Sarasota so high up on the list. I get Tampa. With Busch Gardens, it's a great way to take the kids to an amusement park on a tighter budget. With Sarasota it's probably the beaches.
So where does Fort Myers And Naples and the rest of Southwest Florida stack up?
For that we go to the full data set.
Fort Myers | 95,949 | 68.44 | 13 |
Fort Myers' score of 68.44 puts on the list at number 13. Our beaches are coming back nicely from Ian, but parking and facilities will take awhile. We'll get there. Fort Myers is still a nice place to bring the family, especially if you can stay at Grandma's house.
Bonita Springs | 56,370 | 58.81 | 34 |
Bonita Springs hits the list as the 34th best place in Florida for a family vacation. Beach access and Trackside Donuts.
Cape Coral | 216,992 | 58.20 | 36 |
Cape Coral is at 36 on this list. I sometimes see on the Reddit page of people from out of town looking for things to do with the kids.
Estero | 37,730 | 56.43 | 44 |
I live in Estero. Great place to raise a family but I'm not sure what you'd do here on vacation. Rusty's?
Where's Naples?
I only have data for the top 97. Naples isn't on it.
Methodology. Florida Rentals took 400 Florida-based towns and cities, the index ranks each destination against 20 factors, receiving a score out of 100.
Factors measured are: average price of one week stay, average hotel rating, number of restaurants, boats and water sports attractions, water and amusement parks, zoos and aquariums, fun and games attractions and outdoor activities, concerts and shows, gift and specialty shops, visitor centers, shopping malls, tours, beaches, boat hire, scuba and snorkelling attractions, game and entertainment centres, bars and clubs, water and amusement parks, zoos and aquariums.
Florida Man Mike Dragich Captures 10 Foot Alligator At Jacksonville Elementary School
Florida Man Mike Dragich is the total package. He's a local veteran in Jacksonville. He's an MMA fighter. And he's the guy they call when a Florida alligator becomes a problem. That's what happened last week with this 10 foot beast showed up in a parking lot at a Jacksonville elementary school.
Mike is a licensed trapper and knows what he's doing. Don't try this at home. He told Fox 35 ""We get there. I walked through the gate. And boom. There it was just ready to go right there in the parking lot, and we just had to get the job done."
We've seen a lot of alligator videos lately. We're right on the end of alligator mating season, so hopefully it'll slow down soon. But here's at least one more before the beasts calm down.
When I saw the video, even before Mike got to the gator you can see that thing didn't stand a chance. I wouldn't get near that thing without a suit of armor. This guy is sleeveless. I mean, what are the rest of the people there to do? I guess he needs someone to pass him the tape. That seems to be about it. This guy knows what he's doing.
The gator takedown
This is just nuts. With all the people screaming it was quite the scene.
So, what do you do for fun?
You could charge for these shows. How do you show no fear?
Is he even human?
That is some scary stuff. A true Florida Man.
Like he said earlier, don't try this at home
I can't even. I'm flinching just watching these videos.