

Adam Sandler Recalls Running into Bruce Springsteen at the Gym

Adam Sandler and Bruce Springsteen
Lisa Lake, Paul Morigi/Getty Images

Adam Sandler recalled how he ran into Bruce Springsteen at the gym back when he was a cast member on Saturday Night Live and how his co-workers didn't believe first.

Sandler told the story on a recent appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers while promoting his new Netflix movie Hustle. Sandler begins, "I love Bruce Springsteen...So, I went to a gym on, like, 60th Street on the East Side. I used to work out. I'd go, 'I'm not as funny as everybody on the show, but I'm gonna look better.'"

He continues, "I'm working out at this real crappy gym. I forget the name of it. But anyways, I keep seeing this guy. I'm like, 'That guy looks like Bruce Springsteen.' So I go, 'Oh, this can't be Bruce Springsteen.' Anyway, I'm going, 'From that angle, it looks like Bruce Springsteen. We're working out at the same gym. There's no way he'd be at this crap gym.' Bruce Springsteen walks by, I'm on the thing that [mimes doing the chest press]...this one I'm doing this. He stops right on me, I'm looking right at Springsteen. I'm like, 'That is Bruce Springsteen.' He goes, 'Hey.' I go, 'Hey.' And he goes, 'I know you,' and I go, 'You do?' And he goes, 'You're, uh, Allan Stanley.' And I go, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah.'"

At this point, the studio audience understandably erupts in laughter. However, Sandler continues his story, but there's a problem: None of his SNL castmates believe his story.

"So, anyways, I come back to the show, and I see [Chris] Farley. I'm like, 'Dude, I saw Bruce Springsteen at the gym.'" said Sandler. "He's like, 'No, you didn't.' I go, 'He knew me! He knew me!'" And he's like, 'There's no way that's -- there's no way!' I go, 'He called me Allan Stanley, but he knew me, he recognized me from the show!'"

But then came Sandler's redemption.

"Two years later, Springsteen is the musical guest on the show, and he's coming by and he's saying hi to everybody. And I'm standing there, I'm like, 'There's no way [he remembers me],' right? Then he looks at me and goes, 'Hey, man,' and everyone kind of looks and he goes, 'You still go to that gym?' And I was like, 'That's right.'"

Erica Banas is a news blogger who's been covering the rock/classic rock world since 2014. The coolest event she's ever covered in person was the 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. (Sir Paul McCartney inducting Foo Fighters? C'mon now!) She's also well-versed in etiquette and extraordinarily nice. #TransRightsAreHumanRights