The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that coronavirus patients can break the quarantine on Tuesday to vote in person.
“Voters have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are sick or in quarantine,” the CDC noted in the safe-voting guidance.
Those infected by infectious diseases “should take steps to protect poll workers and other voters," the CDC stated.
6 Steps –The day you vote
- Voters have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are sick or in quarantine.
- Bring your own supplies
- Necessary documentation such as your identification (check with your voting site)
- A mask
- An extra mask
- Tissues
- Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol
- Water
- Black ink pen
- Bring prepared items with you (e.g., registration forms, sample ballots)
- Wear a mask
- Protect yourself
- Clean your hands
- Keep Distance