NFL preseason football continues with the Raiders hosting the Patriots. So, naturally we will revisit these team's history by remembering the Tuck Rule Game between them 20 years ago. That is today's subject on Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show.
In case you are not fortunate enough to be lucky caller number nine at 239-337-ESPN, then you are in luck! Play at home and dazzle your family! Stump your co-workers with useless knowledge! Amaze your friends with your newfound intelligence! Below are the actual questions AND ANSWERS heard during Wiki-Pete-ia on our show.
For you youngsters out there, the Tuck Rule Game was a playoff game in a blizzard between the Raiders and the Patriots. The Raiders had the game won, especially when Tom Brady fumbled the ball away in the 4th quarter. However, the refs overturned the fumble and said Brady was "tucking" the ball after a fake pump and it was ruled an incomplete pass. The call saved the Patriots and they tied the game to send it into overtime, where they eventually won. It was bogus then and it's bogus now. In fact, the NFL did away with the sketchy Tuck Rule several years ago.
It's time for Wiki-Pete-ia! Good luck to you!