Someone in Chicago stole an ambulance and led 16 police cars on an 80 mile chase

(Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)
It what could have been a scene right out of the tv show "Shameless", someone in Chicago stole an ambulance and led police on an 80 mile, more than an hour long chase. There was a news helicopter overhead catching all the action and at one point, the news crew in the helicopter zoomed out and counted - 16 police vehicles! According to the Chicago Sun Times, "Benjamin K. Herrington, 46, entered the ambulance as it sat empty, parked on the street outside a fire station in the 200 block of West Cermak Road around 4:40 p.m." in the Chinatown area of Chicago. He then led the chase at speeds of excess of 70 miles per hour primarily down Interstate 55. That's not exactly a high speed chase, but hey, it's an ambulance. If this was Grand Theft Auto an ambulance would be a 10/10 for endurance and durability, but speed and acceleration would be a 2. Fortunately the ambulance had no one in the back. At some point, wait a minute. I don't want to ruin it for you. Check out the videos below and if you can have the sound up, enjoy the commentary of the news crew.