Today is Sister Jean 's 103rd birthday. The Shemon and Sheppard Show would like to extend out heartfelt congratulations to her. Except Chris, as he is the age-ist on our show. Sister Jean is a sweet Catholic Nun who has become the human mascot/Superfan for the Loyola-Chicago men's basketball team. She has garnered a lot of national attention each year during the month of March as she roots for her favorite team. Today, we will spin off of Sister Jean and quiz Pete and our listeners on famous sisters during Wiki-Pete-ia.
In case you are not fortunate enough to be lucky caller number nine at 239-337-ESPN, then you are in luck! Play at home and dazzle your family! Stump your co-workers with useless knowledge! Amaze your friends with your newfound intelligence! Below are the actual questions AND ANSWERS heard during Wiki-Pete-ia on our show.
If you are like me, I am ready for football season. But we all have a warm and fuzzy feeling when we think about the month of March and college basketball. Today, we can also have a warm and fuzzy feeling toward Sister Jean as she celebrates 103 years on this earth. Hopefully the Loyola-Chicago Ramblers will celebrate too. Let's play Wiki-Pete-ia! Good luck!