It's David Letterman's birthday so let's do Late Night TV Trivia ! Back in my day late night TV consisted of Johnny Carson and the Tonight Show after the local news. That was it. He owned the format and hosted that show for 30 years. The beauty of his skill, which is sorely lacking today, is that he rarely offended anybody. Shows today are so politically partisan that they willingly alienate half the country. That's why their ratings are pitiful.
Just a side note: We think one of the reasons the Shemon and Sheppard Show is such a ratings success in Southwest Florida is because we go out of our way to be non-partisan. No matter what is going on in the world we try to keep politics out of our show. Why alienate half our potential audience in a divided country?
Speaking of our show: Today, in honor of David Letterman's birthday, we will do Late Night TV Trivia on Wiki-Pete-ia. Stump Pete for prizes every week day at 4:45ish on Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN Southwest Florida. Just be caller number 9 at: 239-337-3776 or 239-337-ESPN. If you can't get through then play at home or work with your family and friends. The questions and answers are below. Good luck!