If you’re like half of the population of Americans, watching television before bed is a part of your nighttime routine. Sleep experts at Bestmattress-brand conducted a survey in which they found that 60% of Americans watch TV before bed. Of that, over 50% of the participants watch TV 5-7 days per week before hitting the hay. The research shows that 50.9% of Americans start watching TV between 9 pm and 11 pm. 42%. They then stop watching TV between 11 pm and 1 am.
A spokesperson from the mattress brand commented: “It’s common for us to want to enjoy our favorite TV shows before bed, however too much artificial light, especially right before we think we might try to fall asleep, can increase our alertness and impair our ability to fall asleep naturally.”
They advised, “So, if you are wanting to watch TV before bed it is recommended to switch it off 30 minutes before you are about to sleep so as to allow your mind to prepare for a good night’s sleep.”
So when Shemon & Sheppard ends at 6, you need something, right?
There is a wide range of shows that Americans fall asleep to.Below are the top 10 shows that respondents favor: