
Former FGCU Athletes Open First Matterhorn Fit Franchise in Fort Myers

Gym blur background fitness center, workout personal training studio, health club with blurry sports exercise equipment for aerobic, bodybuilding and power strength class

Chinnapong/Getty Images

Two former college athletes, Margaret Berry and Spence Van Tiem, have opened Fort Myers' newest fitness center. Their gym is the first franchise location for Matterhorn Fit in Fort Myers.

This new spot builds on the success of the Bonita Springs company using the Matterhorn Method — a unique fitness approach that combines recovery with working out for individuals ranging from age 8 to 93.

“As we age, it's important to age healthily,” Van Tiem told Wink News. “I think there's tons of injuries and if we're able to be an outlet for people to live a pain free lifestyle and keep active, I think it's just wonderful.”

The Michigan natives first experienced these workouts while playing college sports. Now they're passionate about sharing these proven techniques throughout Florida's fitness community.