I've seen some strange things in my time. Once after church in North Fort Myers, I saw a man doing some tai chi exercises dressed like a baby. Now that was weird. But at least that dude had enough sense to wear a diaper. Plus, diapers are expensive. So at least he had it together enough to afford one. Unlike 38-year-old Michael Da Costa. According to Fox35, the Ocala Florida man allegedly stormed into the Wings of Faith Thrift Store completely naked.
The Marion County Sheriff's Office responded to reports of a "naked man running around everywhere." So the deputies, armed with descriptions of Da Costa's distinctive appearance, tracked him down about a mile away. His explanation? He supposedly ran away from somewhere in the buff and decided to raid the thrift store for clothes. Seems legit so far. I wouldn't want to be running around without pants. Right?
Here's where it gets weird. Da Costa, in his birthday suit, walked into the store without a single care in the world. The thrift shop's clerk, attempting to shield the world from his sin, handed him some shorts, only to witness him snatch a T-shirt as he went out the door. Oh, and he was still completely naked!
The clerk definitely didn't find Michael's strip show funny. They wanted to file for criminal charges due to unholy exposure of his sinful parts. Meanwhile, the store manager wanted him charged for the theft of a $5 T-shirt. Obviously, the church store is there to clothe the less fortunate, not give free shirts to naked people. Da Costa's little shopping spree didn't end well either. He was swiftly taken over to the Marion County Jail, where he now faces a $6,000 bond. On the bright side, the jail was happy to give him some free clothes to wear.
This Florida City Is Number One In America For Naked Gardening
This Florida City Is Number One In America For Naked Gardening
As the weather gets warmer, some gardeners are shedding their clothes along with their inhibitions. Have you heard about the latest craze? Gardening in the nude. And Miami tops the list of the best cities for nude gardening in America. This may be your first time hearing about this, but I bet you'll start looking a little more closely. Participants could be your very own neighbors. It's a trend that's sweeping the nation.
World Naked Gardening Day is THIS Saturday, May 6th. You may be thinking..is this really a thing? According to its official website, the day is all about promoting "body-positive values and respect for oneself, for others and for the planet." In other words, it's a chance to strip away the social norms and cultural expectations that dictate how we should look and behave, and just be ourselves in all our natural glory. And what better way to do that than by getting a little dirt on your bits and pieces?
If you've ever wondered where the best naked gardening cities in the country are, LawnStarter got down and dirty and has the list. To compile the data they looked at metrics like nudist population size, indecent exposure laws, weather and access to waxing salons just to name a few.
This Saturday, Florida, it's your chance give naked gardening a try. Just be sure to wear sunscreen and watch out for those thorny bushes.
Top 5 Cities in the U.S. for Naked Gardening:
5. Los Angeles, CA
LA has a score of 66.59 with the weather and nude gardener-friendliness ranking high.

4. Philadelphia, PA
Philly scores a 70.09. In January, it might not be ideal for gardening, but the weather forecast in May was high ranking for naked gardening.

(Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)
3. Atlanta, GA
Atlanta gets a score of 71.91 with safety and a great weather forecast contributing to their 3rd place ranking.

(Photo by Barry Williams/Getty Images)
2. Austin, TX
Austin has a score of 75.72 with the weather ranking high..like the other cities, I imagine it has to be mild, if not warm, to garden comfortably in the buff.

(Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)
1. Miami, FL
Miami takes the top spot with a score of 78.94. Year-round warmth and safety put this Florida city on top. Just don't forget the sunscreen!

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)