

VIDEO: Shark Spotted On A Hollywood, Florida Freeway

VIDEO: Shark Spotted On A Hollywood, Florida Freeway

(Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Occasionally, you will see some wild stuff on the Florida interstates, but this was a shocker when a shark was spotted on a Hollywood, Florida freeway.

Between the antics of Florida Man and wildlife in Florida, sometimes you have to blink a few times to make sure you're really seeing what you think you're seeing. And you never really think you’ll witness an animal from the sea riding on the back of a pickup truck. But that's exactly what drivers witnessed the other day in Hollywood.

Shark Spotted On A Hollywood, Florida Freeway

A shark was spotted on the back of a pickup truck on Tuesday riding down the I-95 interstate in Hollywood. The video, sent to Local10, shows a gigantic, approximately 10-foot-long bull shark being hauled back from the ocean. Quite the impressive catch. Especially because it is well known that bull sharks are some of the most aggressive sharks in the ocean.

Sharks get talked about in a negative light sometimes because they are so intimidating. So that makes this nearly 10-foot monster of a shark stand out even more. Seeing this video makes me wonder how long it took for this person to bring in a shark of this size. It can take up 1 1/2 - 2 hours to haul in a much smaller fish. There is truly nothing more Florida than seeing a shark being hauled back from the ocean on a random Tuesday afternoon. It'll definitely make for a good story for locals and visitors alike.

*Co-author: Jackson Sparkman

14 Animals In Florida That Can Kill You

Southwest Florida is a tourist dream with sandy beaches, sunshine, and minor league baseball. But stray too far from civilization, and it can get pretty scary. Did Brian Laundrie kill himself because he was overwhelmed with guilt, or was it because he was about to be eaten? All they found was skeletal remains.

UPDATE: This list is from 2022. To see the the current list (with additional commentary!) you'll find that here: Power Ranking The 14 Wild Animals In Florida That Can Kill You

Let's face it, there's a lot of things down here trying to kill you. There's 6 venomous snakes in Florida, and only 2 of them were deadly enough to make this list. Our tropical environment brings danger, both on the land and in the water. The only thing we're missing is flying death. Fortunately the Pterodactyls got knocked out by evolution, or a giant meteor, or aliens, or whatever. Imagine being out golfing, maybe shooting 2 under on the 15th, it's a beautiful day and BAM a pterodactyl scoops you up for lunch. This has to be the reason why cavemen didn't golf.

Ranker took a look at the most dangerous animals here in the sunshine state. I wanted to add "Snowbird behind the wheel of a car" but decided to stick to the Florida animals that live here year round. So here we go, with 14 animals in Florida that can kill you.

Box Jellyfish



A fun stat? Box jellyfish kill more people each year than sharks. A sting from this thing can stop your heart. Plus when you make it back to shore someone will of course volunteer to pee on you, which actually doesn't help. And - eww. Still feel like going for a swim?

The Brown Recluse Spider

brown recluse


I know someone that had multiple brown recluse spider bites on her arm. She didn't die but it suuuuuuuuuucked. Necrosis, fever, vomiting are all likely symptoms.

Black Widow

black widow


Now, normally you won't die if you get bit by one of these, but are you ready to roll the dice? One time I was at a transmitter site and opened a panel to find a black widow waiting inside. I don't help with engineering anymore. Nope.

Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

Eastern Diamondback


It's called a rattlesnake for a reason, it'll rattle it's tail to let you know you need to move on. If unheeded, this snake has an incredible painful bite. If you don't get help immediately, you can die. Painfully.

Bull Shark

bull shark


You knew there'd be a shark on this list. Big and aggressive, they cruise the coast of Florida. If you're waist deep out in the gulf and there's little fish swimming all around you  - move. They're called bait fish for a reason.




Class, this is what's know as an Apex predator. Top of the food chain. More and more often we're seeing these beasts on the golf course. Don't wanna get eaten? Stick to Top Golf.

Southern Copperhead



Look at how that thing blends in with the leaves - watch your step. Interesting fact, this snake will generally give you a warning strike with little or no venom. The second bite though...

Kissing Bugs

kissing bug


It sounds friendly enough, except that the "kiss" is actually a bloodsucking bite. But that's not where the real danger is. These bugs transfer a parasite that transmits Chagas, which may lead to fatal cardiac arrest.

Great White Shark

great white


Yes, as in "Jaws". Like old people from New York, they come down here in the winter for the warmer climate. And occasionally nibble on a swimmer.

Fire ants

fire ant


I've been bit by fire ants many times, it's not fun. Twice outside the Walmart in North Fort Myers. Fortunately for me after the first couple of bites I'm smart enough to get out of the grass. If you're allergic, or even if you get enough bites, your body can swell up to the point where you suffocate. The best way to avoid this is to stay inside and play video games.




Super sharp teeth and don't normally attack humans. These things can swim up to 35 mph and if something shiny catches their eye, like a necklace on a swimmer, they might accidentally attack. And of course, you know, there's the song.

Wild Boar

wild boar


If you live in a rural area down here, you've seen these things. They are mean, and will attack. The best part? They're full of diseases and bacteria - including anthrax. They've been doing a lot of trapping and relocating these beast from areas along the Estero River. They demolish landscaping.




There's actually no reported deaths in Florida from panther attacks, although they have been know to take down livestock. No human deaths in Florida, don't want to be the first.

Black Bear

black bear


If they do attack, they tend to maul rather than kill. So, maybe scarring and horrible disfigurement? Black bears live in the rural areas and are quite known to sift through trash and if you leave pet food outside - you may get a new pet. I also remember a story of one coming into a guy's garage and opening the fridge.

Marija is a morning show host on WXKB/B1039 and midday host on WRXK/96KRock. She loves to write about food, travel, and things to do around the state of Florida.