Listen up Florida Man Criminals. You know those price rollback signs Walmart is famous for? Well, they don't apply to the cost of your bail. So, instead of saving a few bucks on that bicycle pump, you might end up spending a chunk of change to get out of a sticky legal situation. So, there's this Florida Man named Daniel Kaczmar. Now, Daniel's got a bit of a unique talent. He decided to try his hand at a little shoplifting, you know, just to spice up his day.
Now of all the Florida Man criminals, Daniel, isn't the brightest. According to the Smoking Gun, This 53-year-old fella, rolls up to a Walmart in Largo, Florida, on his trusty bicycle. Now, here's the twist - the bike's got a flat tire. So, what does he do? Parks it outside, walks in like he owns the place, and starts stuffing bicycle accessories worth $35.88 under his t-shirt. Smooth criminal right here!
Florida Man Daniel:
The store's security team spots him trying to pull off the ever classic "I'm-not-stealing-anything" performance. They quickly call the cops, and it's game over for our bike-riding bandit. When the officers confront him, what does Daniel have to say for himself? "I'm not good at shoplifting." Damn, Daniel! I mean, you're not good at biking either, hence the flat tire."
Now, before you think this is just a one-time slip-up, let me tell you, this isn't Daniel's first go-around. He's been caught red-handed before, swiping drinks, sandwiches, probably a parrot or two, from another Walmart. And guess what? When they nabbed him that time, they also found him in possession of fentanyl and drug paraphernalia.
So, now our buddy Daniel is facing a felony charge. Daniel, if you're listening, maybe it's time to consider a career change. Shoplifting doesn't seem to be your strong suit.
Florida Woman Makes Viral Post With Sheriff Vehicle, Gets Busted For Drug Possession
Time for the story of Talea Saylor, who ran afoul of the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office in Englewood, Florida. It all started innocently enough when Talea posed on top of a Charlotte County Sheriff vehicle. The suv was parked at a dealership and she saw this as a perfect opportunity for a viral post. Unfortunately the Sherriff's Office saw the post. What do you think they're doing when they're parked on the side of the road? Scrolling, no doubt.
I'm sure they were annoyed by this woman standing on their vehicle, but the picture is a little blurry. No way you can identify her. Until....
From the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office: "A few days later, one of our Marine Patrol deputies was in the area of Chadwick Cove and noticed two suspects on a familiar 26ft sailboat. The owner of the boat was arrested the day prior and had not yet been released from jail. Contact was made with boat owner via the jail watch commander who advised he did not give anyone permission to be on his boat."
Talea Saylor

I'm sure she was just holding the meth for someone else.
On The Boat

Her accomplice, Briar Bloomer. Facing the same charges. How did these two manage to get a boat off the dock? At least they're wearing life jackets. Safety first!