
Jet Blue Will Soon Require All Passengers To Wear Masks

Jet Blue Now Requires All Passengers To Wear Masks
(Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

In a recent press release, Jet Blue has announced some changes customers must adhere to when flying with them. Beginning May 4, all passengers flying on the airline must wear a face covering during travel.

Joanna Geraghty, president and chief operating officer of JetBlue, explains the new rule, saying, "Wearing a face covering isn't about protecting yourself, it's about protecting those around you. Onboard, cabin air is well circulated and cleaned through filters every few minutes, but this is a shared space where we have to be considerate of others. We are also asking our customers to follow these CDC guidelines in the airport as well." Geraghty also adds, "This is the new flying etiquette."

This new policy will require customers to wear a face covering over both their nose and mouth during check-in, boarding, and also while in flight and deplaning. Customers will be reminded of this new rule before their flight via email, and there will also be signage and announcements at the airport. They add that small children who cannot maintain a face covering are exempt from this requirement.

Jet Blue also requires all crew members to wear face coverings while working. JetBlue's policy is based on the CDC guidelines that indicate that all individuals should wear a face covering in public to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.