Deborah Hanson was named an Excellence In Craft (EIC) Contest winner at the Outdoor Writers Association of America’s annual conference. In the Radio/Podcast, Fishing contest, Hanson won first place for her podcast “East Coast/West Coast Showdown Episode” and third place for “Reel Talk Radio - Is There an "X-Factor" in Fishing?” Both aired on ESPN Southwest Florida on 98.1 FM/770 AM.

OWAA’s annual EIC Contest honors the best-of-the-best in a variety of communications formats. Blog, Book, Column, Graphic/Illustration, Magazine, Newspaper, Photography, Photography Essay, Radio/Podcast, and TV/Video/Webcast.
This year's EIC Contest was sponsored by Friesens Publishing, Henry Repeating Arms, Izaak Walton League of America, Pew Charitable Trusts, and the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation.
Deborah Hanson hosts Reel Talk Radio, Saturday mornings on ESPN SWFL. Her shows are uploaded to podcast form shortly after they air and are posted here.

About OWAA
Recognized as “The Voice of the Outdoors,” OWAA is the nation’s largest organization of professional outdoor journalists. Its membership includes writers, photographers, videographers, radio and TV personalities, digital storytellers and artists. Formed in 1927, the nonprofit association’s mission is to improve the professional skills and opportunities of its members, set the highest ethical and communications standards, encourage public enjoyment and conservation of natural resources, and mentor the next generation of professional outdoor communicators. https://owaa.org