The Top 10 Terrible Easter Candies to Avoid in Southwest Florida.
Ah, Easter. The time when families in Southwest Florida, hide plastic eggs in the yard, and indulge in all sorts of sweet treats. From chocolate bunnies to pastel-colored jellybeans, Easter candy is a beloved tradition. But, let's be real here, not all Easter candy is created equal. In fact, some of it is downright terrible.
Now, we're not talking about your run-of-the-mill, slightly stale candy here. No, we're talking about the truly awful Easter candies that will make you question the entire concept of Easter candy. You know the ones we're talking about: the ones that leave a bad taste in your mouth both figuratively and literally.
First on our list of terrible Easter candies are those overly sweet treats that are so sugary, they make your teeth hurt. We get it, candy is supposed to be sweet, but there's a limit, people. And when you hit that limit, you're left with a sickening, artificial taste in your mouth.
Then there are those weirdly flavored concoctions that make you wonder who on earth thought they were a good idea. Carrot-shaped candy corn? No, thank you. Jellybeans that taste like buttered popcorn? Hard pass.
And let's not forget those candies with textures that are unappetizing at best and revolting at worst. Chocolate-covered Peeps? Sorry, but marshmallow and chocolate should never be combined. And what's with those weird candy-filled plastic eggs that always end up getting thrown away? Gross. Here are some more to avoid.