Orlando Waffle House Night Shift Is Undefeated, Florida Woman Gets Upside Down Thrown Out Of The Restaurant

(Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images)
This is everything I expect from a Waffle House video. And seeing it come from Orlando means it's some Flo Grown Florida Woman goodness. On one hand, I'm a little sad she didn't get the whole event on video. We just got the end result. But it's good. There's so much to unpack with this video, but a personal note first. Corporate sent me a link of 'journalistic ethics' that I'm supposed to follow. Right. Ain't nothing in that guide that can prepare me for a Waffle House video.
So let's begin with 'why is she upside down?' Best I can figure is that she didn't go easy. Waffle House night shift employees got hands. She's lucky she's still conscious. Scattered, covered and smothered right out the door. Next up - no shoes. Easy, she's a Florida woman so there's only a 50/50 chance she was wearing shoes when she got there.
The real question is, when are folks gonna learn to stop trying these Waffle House employees?! That night shift stay ready for any and all smoke. It seems to be part of their training. I think we covered this in an earlier video. So what's the full story? Fortunately for us, @queenofthethots69 did a follow up video to narrate the whole adventure. It's pretty amazing. I can picture the whole thing in my mind while it goes down.
She's one of America's greatest storytellers.
Normally we get fight videos like this. Also, here's that training video I knew we had somewhere
This guy is still one of my faves
And there's this fight from Texas over Christmas
Watch how well the employee handles the flying chair.