Michael J Fox is 62 years old today. Happy birthday. Fox, is of course, one of America’s favorite actors. He is also one of a few actors with success and popularity in both TV and Film. Sadly, Parkinson’s cut his career short, although he is frequently in the public eye quite a bit while promoting awareness about Parkinson’s.
Most of America discovered Fox on NBC’s Family Ties TV Show in the mid 1980’s. He later found more success with the Back to the Future movie series. He later returned to TV on Spin City before his health began to fail him.
So, in order to celebrate his birthday, we will do Michael J Fox trivia on Wiki-Pete-ia on the Shemon and Sheppard Show on ESPN Southwest Florida. For those who are new to the show, we play Wiki-Pete-ia, where we try to stump Pete everyday at 4:45 ish. If you wish to play for prizes, try to be caller number 9 at 239-337-3776, or 239-337-ESPN and play. If you are not lucky enough to make it on the air for Wiki, then amaze your friends and family by playing at work or at home since we have listed the questions and answers for you below.
–Craig Shemon
ESPN Southwest Florida