Did your dad tell corny jokes growing up? The kind that made your eyes roll. Maybe he still does. Or perhaps YOU are the dad attempting to make people laugh with your puns and silly rhymes. If so, you've got to check out these TikTok Tuesday videos featuring the best Dad Jokes for Father's Day.
The infamous "Dad Joke"
Dad Jokes are legit. The term actually made it into the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Here, the definition is as follows: "A wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be endearingly corny or unfunny."
However, these Dad Jokes are almost guaranteed to make you laugh. In fact, these men have turned the joke delivery into a competition. Maybe this is an activity you can replicate over Father's Day weekend. First, square up across the table from another dad, friend or family member. Next, take turns telling silly jokes while trying not to laugh. Laughing gives you a strike. Some people turn this into a drinking game, some a friendly wager, others simply care about the bragging rights.
I've put together a few videos that stood out to me while late night TikTok surfacing. Hopefully you will like them as well. Feel free to reuse them in your Dad Joke battle or use them as inspiration to come up with your own jokes. You do not need a TikTok account to watch these. All you have to do is scroll down and hit play from this post. One or two might be edgy. However, all of the videos below are family friendly and office friendly. Just try not to laugh. It feels so good. Enjoy these best Dad Jokes for Father's Day.
This Goofy Trio Always Makes Me Laugh
These guys do a series of posts like this. So corny you have to laugh.
Attempting to answer an age old question to start things off
First one is smart and funny. I love hearing the background laughter as well.
These two have been doing Dad Joke Battles for a long time
These guys are some of the first I saw make Dad Joke banter a regular social media feature.
From the docks to the ice
These two guys do a similar schtick but in the freezing ice. Love the dog joke to bring it home.
An Endearing Father Son Duo
You have to get a kick out their expressions. This is the definition of a Dad Joke