Getty Images / Bartek Szewczyk
If you're in the market for a new job or simply looking to try a new career, then you'll want to look into an industry that's growing. Certain jobs are quickly increasing in demand, and they're going to be even more valuable down the road.
Jobs That Are Quickly Increasing in Demand, According to Experts
Careers are constantly evolving, and today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), reports that some of the highest growth jobs are home health and personal care aides; epidemiologists; veterinary support occupations; physical therapist assistants; and taxi drivers. The jobs are that projected to grow the most over the next decade or so, according to the experts at Forbes.com, are nurse practitioners, data scientists, wind turbine service technicians and physician assistants. But, it doesn't stop there.
Forbes has a tally of some of the fastest-growing careers in the health, tech and trade sectors. Of the jobs listed, the No. 1 fastest-growing is physician assistant. The growth rate between 2022 and 2032 for physician assistants is on target to be an impressive 78%. The median pay of physician assistants is $126,010 per year, and the education requirement is a master's degree. "Physician assistants support physicians in examining, diagnosing and treating patients in a variety of healthcare settings, including primary care and family medicine, emergency medicine and psychiatry," Forbes.com explains. They add that some physician assistants make house calls or visit patients in nursing homes. "Under the supervision of a physician, physician assistants are responsible for educating and counseling patients and their families, prescribing medication, assessing and recording a patient’s healing progress and researching various treatments." This makes sense to me, because when I've gone to urgent care in the past, I almost always get a physician assistant instead of a physician.
The AARP also has some research on the fastest-growing and quickly increasing careers. Their top pick is a data scientist, which has a long-term growth prediction of 35%. The average hourly wage for a data scientist is $49.76. "By combing through the numbers on sales, clients, expenses and other areas, data scientists offer insights on how to make the business run smoother," the AARP explains. "Most people in this position have a bachelor’s degree in math, statistics or computer science."
When it comes to quickly increasing remote jobs, a separate article from Forbes.com states that a remote document reviewer, also called a document reviewer specialist, has a 975% increase in job share, according to Indeed. That job doesn't require a degree and makes the average salary of $53,000 via Zippia. I hope these suggestions help you on your next career journey.