So, guess what's trending in the world of crime? Forget about fancy heists... We've got three guys in Florida who are stealing used cooking oil from restaurants. Rui Lin, Yunqiu Chen, and Zengyu Liu are the masterminds behind this unusual operation.
According to Fox News, under the cover of darkness, these three rolled up in a truck, not to steal jewels, but to pump out gallons of used cooking oil. They hit up several restaurants in Port Orange, like a greasy gang of crooks.
The Port Orange Police, teaming up with security folks from Dar-Pro, cracked the case. Now, Rui Lin, Yunqiu Chen, and Zengyu Liu are facing charges for their not-so-smooth moves. Turns out, Lin has a history of swiping cooking oil – a real pro, huh?
Who would think that stealing used cooking oil is a thing?
And to think I've been using an air fryer. I could have been printing money with my Dino Nugget habit! Criminals love grease. Just ask the Chick-fil-A in Georgia, where 700 gallons vanished monthly.
I bet the heist went down on a Sunday when nobody was looking. Apparently, this "yellow grease" is like gold. Police say it can be turned into cash or even used as fuel. Forget about being an oil baron. You can be a fry king!
Best Fried Chicken in SWFL
Today is National Fried Chicken Day! So to celebrate the holiday we're going to check out the Best Fried Chicken in SWFL.
According to Wikipedia, "The origin of fried chicken in the southern states of America has been traced to precedents in Scottish and West African cuisine. Scottish fried chicken was cooked in fat, but unseasoned; while West African fried chicken was seasoned, but battered and cooked in palm oil. Scottish frying techniques and African seasoning techniques were used in the American South by enslaved Africans."
Because we're on the coast, everyone just assumes that seafood would be the game here. But we also have some amazing pizza, Mexican food, and if you're not aware, there's some mighty amazing places to get fried chicken. An I'm not talking about the obvious treks to Popeye's or KFC, let's hit up the Mom and Pop joints. The only major on this list is Publix. Publix fried chicken tender subs are legendary and there's no way I could leave it off the list. So whether you're taking it along on a picnic or enjoying the crispy goodness for Sunday dinner, we put together a list of the places with the Best Fried Chicken in SWFL. I appreciate your feedback, but if I could choose only one on this list, I'd go to Fancy's, but looking at this last got me thinking of trying something new.