If there's one this the Florida Man Believes in... it's Lawn and Order. According to WFLA, Jeffrey Rutfield, a 62-year-old man, decided he was gonna defend his property line like his life depended on it... With a garden hose. Move over, Longmire, we've got a new sheriff in town! Or, well, not exactly the sheriff, but the sheriff's office had to get involved.
So there's this woman, minding her own business, probably watering her garden or daydreaming about having normal neighbors. But little did she know that Jeffrey was about to unleash the full fury of his garden hose on her face! Who needs a super soaker when you've got a garden hose, right?
Now, of course, the woman didn't take this aquatic assault lightly. She was mad, she was wet, and she was determined to protect herself. So, what's the logical next step? Point a gun at the guy! I mean, hey, you spray someone in the face, and they'll counter with a firearm display . It's basic Floridian etiquette, right?
But don't worry, folks, it's not as bad as it seems. The victim didn't go all John Wayne on him for no reason. She genuinely believed Jeffrey was about to go all karate kid on her. So, in her best self-defense move, she wielded the firearm and waited for the real cops to arrive.
Wet 'n Wild:
Fast forward to the deputies showing up on the scene, and they do what they do best – they investigate. Turns out, Jeffrey's property protection plan wasn't as bulletproof as he thought. The evidence showed that the woman was innocent of any property line trespassing. Oops! Someone didn't measure their lawn correctly!
But here's the kicker... not only was Jeffrey mistaken, but he also decided to turn this into a thrilling game of "Follow the Lady." According to the cops, he stalked her in an "aggressive manner." Ah, nothing says "I'm a good neighbor" like aggressively tailing someone, right?
In the end, the curtain closed on this lawn drama, and Jeffrey got a one-way ticket to the county jail for "simple battery." Now he'll have plenty of time to ponder over the importance of property lines and the proper use of garden hoses.
The next time you have a dispute over property boundaries, remember don't let things escalate to a full-blown water fight and definitely leave the garden hose at home. It could get ugly.
Florida Man Wearing Only A Loincloth And Socks Smashed Into Several Vehicles And Tried To Outrun A Helicopter Before Crashing Into The Flagler County Landfill
I understand the headline is quite lengthy, but it was needed to really tell the story. 22-year-old Stephen Peterson of Port Orange and 20-year-old Victoria Averill had quite an adventure before it all ended at the Flagler County Landfill.
It all started on June 21st in Flagler Beach, Florida when our Florida Man and his accomplice drove through the intersection of State Road 100 East and Old Kings Road South and strike multiple vehicles. That's just off I95 near the Popeye's. The SUV then continued south on Old Kings Road at a high rate of speed. The incident was spotted by a MyFWC Florida Fish and Wildlife officer who then attempted to stop the vehicle. The FWC officer activated his emergency lights and siren but the vehicle did not stop. Does the FWC even have authority to pull over vehicles? I'm not sure. Anyway...
Then, according to Flagler County Sheriff "The vehicle entered the property of Old Kings Elementary School and drove around the running track before exiting the school and continuing to flee down Old Kings Road. The vehicle then entered the Flagler County Landfill and into the wooded area between the landfill and I-95." And that's where things went wrong.
Flagler County Fire Rescue Fireflight, which is the fire department's helicopter, monitored the vehicle's location and directed deputies to the vehicles location. The vehicle had run into and become stuck on a concrete barrier. This next line, sums it up nicely. "The male was naked except for a small covering wrapped around his waist and socks. It is unknown why the male was not wearing more clothing."
Sounds insane? Here's the video.
So, what's the charges?
From the FCSO "Peterson was arrested for Fleeing and Eluding, Leaving the Scene of a Crash with Damage to Vehicle or Property, Resisting an Officer without Violence, Trespassing on School Grounds, Possession of Marijuana Under 20 Grams, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Equipment. Averill was arrested for Trespassing on School Grounds, Possession of Marijuana Under 20 Grams, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia/Equipment. Peterson is being held on $19,500 bond and Averill is being held on $3,000 bond at the Sheriff Perry Hall Inmate Detention Facility."