Florida Is NOT The Worst State To Drive In, Which State Is?
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)
Driving around, especially during snowbird season, it’s hard to believe that Florida is NOT the worst state to drive in. Which state is?
Driving in Florida is a unique experience, to say the least. From the never-ending construction to the unpredictable weather, it can be a real challenge. First, there are the tourists. They’re easy to spot with their out-of-state plates and sudden stops to take pictures of palm trees. Next, there are the retirees. They have their head in the clouds and drive cars from the 1980s at a snail’s pace. Then there are the spring breakers. These college students are on a mission to party and they don’t care who gets in their way.
While that’s my experience with driving in Florida, and possibly yours too, it might surprise you that Florida is NOT the worst state to drive in. In fact, it was ranked the 12th best in the United States. Hawaii ranked dead last.
WalletHub conducted a study looking at 4 key factors: cost of ownership & maintenance, traffic & infrastructure, safety and access to vehicles & maintenance.
When it comes to cost of owning a car, Florida came in at #26. Florida was tied for 1st place on available car washes and 4th place for number of auto shops.
Traffic and infrastructure however, we didn’t do so hot. If you’ve driving to Orlando on I-4 or pretty much anywhere in Miami, you know what I mean. So while for congestion Florida scored near the bottom, 44th out of 50, for safety we were ranked #17.
The best states for driving are Iowa, Georgia, Ohio, Oklahoma and North Carolina. The worst are Hawaii, Washington, Delaware, Rhode Island and Maryland.
Florida Has The 7th Best Roads in the U.S.
According to recent data from Consumer Affairs, the roads in Florida rank near the tops in the nation. My first thought was that this might be because we don’t get the snow and ice that leads to potholes when the snowplows come. But that’s not it. The top 3 on this list get plenty of snow. And for as much hurricane damage Florida had to deal with, you’d think our roads would suffer. But 7th is not bad at all. So here’s what plays into the numbers.
To determine which states have the worst roads, Consumer Affairs focused on four main factors. Percentage of roads in poor, fair and good condition: We considered the percentage of roads the Federal Highway Administration graded as being in poor, fair and good condition. Motor crash fatalities on roads per mile: The total number of fatal motor vehicle crashes in each state was sourced from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Amount spent per mile of road: We calculated the dollar amount each state spends per mile of road with data obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Vehicle miles traveled (VMT): We calculated the percentage of each state’s rural and urban VMT for the given category against the national sum of all states’ VMTs for the given category.
So how do Florida roads stack up?
Quite well, actually. And we saw first hand after the hurricane how fast bridges and roads can be repaired here in our state. That’s why I used the picture from Sanibel at the top. They got that done in one month. Amazing. And states towards the bottom? Well, we’ve documented the exodus from California more than once. Here might be another reason.
- About 46% of survey respondents who rated their roads 1 out of 10 (terrible) were from California.
So here are the 2022 US road conditions by state.
Marija is a morning show host on WXKB/B1039 and midday host on WRXK/96KRock. She loves to write about food, travel, and things to do around the state of Florida.