Honest Florida Man Pulled Over For Speeding Says ‘Not Gonna Lie To You, I’m Drunk’

Honest Florida man Joseph Beck of Pinellas Park was pulled over for speeding when he made deputies’ jobs easy. He admitted to the officer who pulled him over that he was drunk. According to WFLA, "Deputies pulled over Andrew Joseph Beck, 27, at around 2:22 a.m. for reportedly speeding and driving recklessly, nearly hitting a barrier in the median of the road. When deputies approached Beck, they said he spontaneously told them, “I’m not gonna lie to you, I’m drunk”.
He was doing 47 in a 35 mph zone when they pulled him over. In the report it was stated that he almost hit the barrier in the median of the road. He was given a field sobriety test after admitting he was drunk. Which he failed. of course. He blew a 0.282. Which is around 3 times over the legal limit.
Although I'm sure the police appreciated his honesty, admitting that you are drunk is about the worst thing you can do. It won't help you in anyway. Don't talk. Call a lawyer. And a lawyer will say the same. It's not a good idea.
Or better yet. Unlike this Honest Florida Man last Saturday night. Don't drive drunk.
More Florida Man:
Florida Man Arrested After Stealing and Drinking Vodka at Walmart
Shopping at Wal Mart can be stressful, and sometimes you just want to take the edge off. That's what 42 year old Florida Man James John Perez with a bottle of vodka did last Friday at a Walmart in Sebastian Florida. Sebastian is on the East Coast, just north of Port St. Lucie - I had to look it up.
So last Friday around 2pm, James grabbed a bottle of McCormick Vodka from the liquor store section of the Walmart, along with some roadies - a 6 pack of Smirnoff Ice in the cans. According to the Sebastian Daily "A Walmart employee working the sales floor observed Perez consuming the vodka beverages and placing the empty containers on the shelf. He then walked around the men’s department, put a couple of pairs of socks in his pocket, and discarded the packaging. Perez then put on a pair of pants and tossed the sales tags on the floor."
When officers arrived on scene James was still roaming the store drinking from a can of Smirnoff Ice. They found on Florida Man - three pairs of socks, a half empty bottle of McCormick Vodka, scissors, a pocket knife, and a few other things. He was wearing the pants he stole and had used the scissors to cut off the tags. Grand total? $61.91.
Why did this go on so long?
Most corporates policy is to not confront shoplifters and call authorities and let law enforcement deal with it.
But, why?
When arrested, James John Perez was identified as being from Los Angeles, California. So I typed into Google "How much can you steal in California without going to jail?" and got this reply:
So - it's cool?
Unfortunately this isn't California. This is Florida. Stealing is still against the law here.